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I don't know what to do or what to feel. I tried to be perfect but i'm still not good enough. I'm sorry for talking about myself to much i, i just dont know it anymore everything seemed to be fine and than shit kept happening making me realise it never really was fine.
I also started cutting again. I'm not proud of it. Believe me, i'm really not. But i just want to silent the pain in my heart by doing that. And i know, sounds stupid doesn't it... but i really see no other way to kinda quit the pain. Everybody thinks i'm a fucking happy person because i always smile and laugh, but what they don't realise is that when i'm alone or just home. I end up crying in my room.
I'm sorry i'm not perfect. Also people keep telling that i should stay strong, that everything will be alright.
But i'm not strong enough anymore and maybe it will be alright but i will never know cause i am not strong enough to fight till than.
I just want to be happy i hate this feeling... I'm tired of everything...


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