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Shawn came to the hotel and shut the door gently, which was unusual as he always slam the door, and put his bag on the sofa. "Sweetie? Are you here?" He asked, looking up. Nothing but silence. "Where are you? I know I didn't warn you and... I'm sorry." Shawn said. He sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, changing the channel to WCW- 'Monday Nitro'. WCW... WWF/E rival... A girl around 10-12, appears and sit on the sofa, next to Shawn. (Note: The girl is Vonnie, her faceclaim is Dafne Keen, the girl in the photo above.)


Every Monday, there is a television-central war against WCW and WWF/E. Both wrestling programs aired on Monday and everytime it airs, it turn to Survival of the Fittest. There was a rating war and if one of the TV programs thrive the most ratings, that program wins. Shawn Michaels, the Heartbreak Kid, being the WWE/F guy, sticked with WWE/F with his partner Hunter Hearst Helmsley. The others, such as Razor Ramon and Kevin Nash, sticked with WCW and formed 'NWO Wolfpac'. 123 Kid was inbetween. When Shawn changed the channel, he felt betrayed and robbed.

The girl stood up in excitement when she heard Goldberg 's theme song and Shawn just look at her, no talking. Just pure silence. He keeps thinking that she never acts like that when his theme song pops up. He then flinched when the girl hugged him. Did she read his thoughts? The girl lets go and look at Goldberg fighting Kevin. "Oh, Wolfpac. Y'know, Kevin and I use to team up. He was my bodyguard." Shawn smiled, seeing Kevin lift the smaller man Goldberg. Of course, he failed when Goldberg got off and spear Kevin. "Whoa." The girl gasped, inaudibly. Shawn heard her, as they were the only people there. Damn right 'whoa'.


Monday. Shawn was in his hometown, San Antonio, and was finally glad he can fight at his hometown. While packing his 'Sexy Boy' attire, He noticed Vonnie looking right at him. "What?" He asked, raising a brow. No answer and the impatient Shawn was really thinking the girl is slow. Mental. "There are cookies on the counters." Shawn huffed, turning to the girl. No answer, no movements, no breathing. Shawn walked to Vonnie. "What. Do. You. Want?!" Shawn asked, getting impatient. "Go with you," Vonnie answered. Shawn chuckled and wipe his forehead sweat with his bare hand. "Are you serious?" He asked. Vonnie nodded, knowing that she is serious. Shawn crouch down to Vonnie's height. "Sorry but no. If they find out about you with me, we. Will. Suffer." Shawn sternly said. Vonnie frowned and walk away.

Shawn really wishes he can let her go with him but he doesn't want to risk his life. He's risking it already but it's not risky as Vonnie's publicity. "Stupid people risk. We're not stupid." Shawn would always tell Vonnie if she misbehaves.




At the stadium, Shawn went to the locker room and some wrestlers groaned. Shawn was always a douche ever since he stepped on the damn door and to some, his existence says it all. Especially, to his rival... The Hitman... Bret Hart. "Ello." Shawn smiled. "Ugh... Hi, Shawn." Bret muttered, changing to his attire. "Aww, miss me, Brettie?" Shawn asked, blinking innocently and faking a feminine voice. "Gosh, shut up. Go take care of your little Sunny, would you?" Bret growled, making the other wrestlers go 'OOOH!'. Shawn growled and want to attack Bret but in time, Hunter rushed in.

"Hey, Shawn, better get ready because we're next to Bret." Hunter said, walking out after. Shawn huffed and then felt a weird feeling in his stomach. He wishes Vonnie was watching RAW but what if she goes out? Oh no. Shawn walks out of the locker room and rushes to Hunter, who was watching Bret fighting Rocky. "Rookie." Shawn smirked, watching Rocky in Sharpshooter. He tapped out and Bret won, which made Shawn pissed because he knows he better than Bret. The duo walks to the behind of the titantron and waited for the music. Shawn's stomach was churning.

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