What's going on?

105 1 33

'I hope you get all this money

And realize that this shit is nothing but trouble, yeah

I hope that I figure out all this shit with time...'

"Hey, wake up," Goldberg said, waking up Vonnie. "Hnn... It's 4." Vonnie groaned, wiping her small eyes and glancing at the bright red alarm clock, that was blinking '4:14 AM'. "I know. It's just that we need to go back to Kansas." Goldberg said. "Why? W...C...W?" Vonnie asked, nearly falling back to bed but caught by Goldberg. "Yeah. I packed your stuff, you're lucky. Don't worry, though. You can sleep on the plane. Steve will be traveling with us." He gushed, hoping to make the girl happy. He helped her stand up and Vonnie groaned, her eyes burning, and changed to the thin-strapped, black shirt and a short, blue skirt.

The two walk to the airport and Goldberg waved when they noticed Steve, while Vonnie just stared. Steve hanged up the phone and walked to the 'father-daughter' duo. "The flight is 15 minutes delayed. Instead of 4:30, it's 4:45." He assented. "Really?... I guess Von doesn't mind." Goldberg nodded, looking back and seeing Vonnie touching the window. Suddenly, there was a huge thunder and droplets of rain came pouring down. The scenario of the lights outside to guide the planes were very beautiful.

Something new to the concealed.

"Vonnie, come here." Goldberg urged, picking her up. Suddenly, the quick, one-second rain turned back to normal. Steve was a bit distraught but shrugged it off. The weatherman did predict some humidity or something similar. Now, it was 4:50 and the trio were in the plane. "Oh, WWF going to Oklahoma? How coincidental." Steve sighed, reading the Newspaper. "Aren't they failing now? The pretty boy Shawn Michaels was a huge ANTI-draw. First, San Antonio and now their filthy hands in my home?" Goldberg rebuked, facepalming. Vonnie was sleeping between the two men and then woke up, grabbed a magazine to copy the men. Somehow, the magazine was about World War 1, 2, and other wars. Even though reading, she was listening to every word. "You know, there's this rumor that they will BUY us?" Steve asked, but even if his voice sounded snappy, he sounded calm. Goldberg looked at him like he was crazy. "Seriously? Is Eric aware of this?" He asked. "Kinda. Ted knows, too. I hope we'll win. I really want a fight between the Undertaker." Sting smiled. Though his smile was obvious, it wasn't big.

"Book, look, look." Vonnie said, showing the magazine to Goldberg. The magazine had an image of a dead Jewish victim of the Holocaust. Goldberg was shocked and took the magazine away from her, even though Vonnie was strong enough to pull back. She grunted and felt a trickle of something warm going down her nose. Though Goldberg was a little upset that Vonnie would show him that photo, him being Jewish himself, she's young and doesn't know. "I'm sorry- What the hell." He whispered, noticing Vonnie's nosebleed and her bloodshot eyes. Steve noticed and quickly grabbed a napkin, giving it to Vonnie. Vonnie wiped it off and sniffed. "You're okay, V? I'm sorry." Goldberg apologized.  "Cookies, anyone?" The stewardess asked, handing out 'Bischoff' [AHAHA] cookies. 

Vonnie continued to sleep, holding five of the biscuits in her hand. Steve started to pat her shoulder, causing her to wake up. "Come on, bird." Steve soothed, picking her up. They arrived at Wichita, Kansas. "Where's Billy?" She asked, her voice sounding broken. "I'm right here!" Goldberg exclaimed, getting the luggage from the overhead bins. "You can rest on my shoulder," Steve suggested. As the two got out, they waited for Goldberg to get the luggage. "Ready? Surprisingly, our hotel is across the street." Goldberg pointed, going inside a free shuttle to the Hilton Hotel, with the Scorpion and the Youngling.


"Little Girl? Shawn?" Vince asked, surprised and confused. "Shawn is keeping this little girl in his home because the government might find her. The girl is stated to have powers and can put US all in danger if released to the public." Bret explained, showing stern in his voice. "Well, Shawn is doing a good job hiding her but why does the government want her?" Vince asked. Bret paused for a slight moment and smirked. "She's a Devil, alright? She does bad stuff and she's the cause of the result of the DX and Shamrock fight." Bret bellowed. Vince laughed, not believing what he just heard. "A little girl? That caused the finish... Of a fight? Powers?!" He laughed. Bret was heating up, knowing that he needed more proof. "Bret, are you still functioning?" Vince asked. "Check your surveillance cameras and look." Bret insisted.


Shawn was at the Myriad Convention Center at Oklahoma City, slowly unpacking his clothing. "Shaaaawwwn." A feminine voice admired. Shawn turned around and grinned as he noticed Sunny. "Oh, hey, sweetie." He chuckled. The two kissed and hugged each other. "Shawn," Sunny broke out, "You don't act so passionate anymore. No drugs? No alcohol? No love? You're becoming boring as Candido." She sighed. Shawn gently held Sunny's hand. "Sunny, I have so many things on my mind that I'm busy at this moment," Shawn said, making Sunny frown. "I'm sad, too. But, I promise you that I will make you the best woman in the world after my troubles are done." Shawn grinned, picking her up and spin her around once.

While Sunny was in awe, walking away, Shawn kept on looking. All he could think of his Vonnie; wanting to make her the best girl in the world. "Shawn! Bad news!" Hunter yelled, running to him. "About Vonnie?!" Shawn gasped. He hopes it isn't anything bad. "No, you're just going to be replaced by Candido." Hunter assured. Shawn wanted to scream and rant to Vince, but no hope.  "CHRIS!!!" He yelled, his deep, raspy voice across the hall.

Candido* walks in and before he could do anything, he was punched in the face by Shawn and kicked in the groin by Hunter. He groaned, trying to put his hand on the wall for balance but failed. He looked at Shawn for hope but was greeted with misery. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! MY DAUGHTER WENT MISSING AND NOW THIS?!!" Shawn yelled. The three froze at the word 'daughter' and Candido was relieved by the pain, rebalanced and slowly walking away. Shawn face heated up and tears fell out his eyes, letting out whimpers and groaned, while Hunter hugs the older man, sympathetically.

Shawn knew he fucked up.

Goldberg was backstage, changing to his attire while Vonnie was sitting outside of the locker room. She tapped on the ground, eating the biscuits, and played with the WCW 'Big Gold' Championship, tapping it, rubbing it, and her nails lightly scratching it. She then started to play with her 'Malibu Barbie'. A locker room door open and there came out Sting, wagging his finger at Vonnie to come. Vonnie slowly stood up and walked inside the room, closing the door. "Sit on my lap," Sting said, sitting won and patting his thigh. Vonnie froze for a moment, hesitating, and then sat on Sting's lap. "Ever since I got here, I knew I was hopeless. My little one... My little bird... I've found you." He chuckled, stroking her jet black hair and braiding a small strand. "Really?" Vonnie asked, her voice quiet and fiddling with Sting's pale hands. "Yeah..." He smiled, kissing her cheek and rubbing her thigh. He took her off of his lap and open the door.

"Vonnie?... Oh! There you are." Goldberg smiled, patting her head. "Sting... Steve is nice.." She whispered. Vonnie then smiled, her cracked tooth showing. "Aw, what did he told you?" He asked. "He was very hopeless and then, happy when he found me." Vonnie restated. "Oh, really?" Goldberg questioned. 'What a creep.' He thought. "He's not a creep if you're asking." Vonnie declared. "Huh?" Goldberg asked, raising a brow. "Nothing." Vonnie maintained, shaking her head. Suddenly, the two heard 'Goldberg!' chants and Goldberg crouched down to Vonnie's head, kissing her forehead and disappearing to the light of the audience. Vonnie closed her ears, trying to ignore the high noise before the chants and theme bust her sensitive ears. She just wasn't used to noise.

"Hey, chica." A deep voice jabbed.

[*= Candido was actually in ECW in 1997]

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