Chapter 12

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Ella POV

It's the last day of training and everybody was really tired. Ethan and Kiki each got a new monster. They got a vampire and they were both very excited. I am so happy for them. I am right now packing my things because right after training I get to go home and
I am really happy. "Everyone listen up," my mom said. "We can't train because it's pouring down rain so everyone can go home." Everyone cheered.

My mom and dad left and everyone quickly finished packing. Everyone left and we quickly transported back to my room and I flopped on my bed. "I am so tired." "Same", Kiki said. I smiled. "What do you want to do tomorrow guys?"

"I don't know Ella." "Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow?" Kiki asked. "Sure let me check the weather." I sit up and pick up my phone and checked the weather. "It's suppose to be 90 degrees and sunny." "Ok then tomorrow well go to the beach." "Ok."

I looked at the time on my phone. "Guys it's 9 o'clock you should get to bed." "Can we sleep in here?", Josh asked. "Sure I guess." I got up and went out my door and Josh followed me. We walked to the closet in the hallway. I grabbed six blankets and handed 3 blankets to Josh. I grabbed 6 pillows to and handed 3 to Josh.

We walked back to my room and I put the 6 blankets and pillows on my bed. "Guys go get ready for bed and I will make your bed ok." "Ok." they left the room. It takes them all about a hour to get ready. I quickly get undressed and put on a light blue t-shirt that has a yellow smiley face and says be happy. I also changed into some black shorts with a light blue strips on the side of them.

I put on a pair of socks and quickly brushed my teeth and put my hair in a high ponytail. I then stated lying the 3 blankets on the floor. I put one of the blankets on the floor by my bed, one by my dresser and one by my bathroom door. I put 2 pillows each on the blankets and put the remaining 3 blankets on the beds on the floor.

I smiled and sat on the bed. I waited
5 more minutes and finally they came back in to my room. Josh laid on the bed on the floor by my bed, Ethan was by the bathroom door ,and Kiki was by my dresser. I turned off the light and went to bed.

The next day

I woke up and checked the time. It's 8 o'clock. I picked up my phone and checked all of my social networking apps. At 8:30 I got up out of bed and saw that Ethan, Josh, and Kiki were still sleeping. I quietly stepped over them and quietly walked to my dresser without waking up Kiki and I pulled out one of my swim suits and a pair of light washed denim shorts and a crop top that is blue and has the superman logo on it.

I then walked quietly to my bathroom without waking anyone up and quietly shut the door. I quickly took off my pjs and tossed them in the laundry basket in my bathroom. I put on my swimsuit that was a black bikini and slipped on my shirt and shorts. I brushed my hair and teeth. I grabbed a ponytail and put my hair in a messy bun. I smiled at my outfit and walked quietly out of the bathroom and saw that everyone was up and out of my room.

I picked up the blankets and pillows and folded the blankets and put the pillows on top the blankets and i put them on the floor by my bed. I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." Josh walked in and he was dressed in a black shirt and white swim trunks. "El we are leaving soon." "Ok Im going to pack my bag now." "Ok." He came over and kissed me softly. I blushed like an idiot.

"Aww El your blushing." "Shut up." "No it's to adorable." I glared at him. He sat on the end of my bed. I walked to the closet and tired to get my beach bag but couldn't reach it cause it's on the top shelf. "Josh can you come here?" "What Ella?" "Can you please get me down my beach bag?" I said pointing to it. He easily grabbed it down and handed it to me. "Your short Ella." "Shut up." I walked around my room putting in any thing I thought I would need. When I was down this is what I had in it a extra pair of clothes, sunglasses, sunscreen, chapstick, extra ponytails, towel, cash, phone and my charger thing, headphones, iPod that's it. We got ready and left after I
put on my flip flops.


Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever that's because I have been so busy that this chapter took me a while to write. I'm going to try to update more often so I'm sorry for the long wait and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

~ Samantha

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