Before you read, I would like to say that I'm sorry if there are any errors while you read this, it's my first time attempting a fic. Give me feedback, to help me improve or share your ideas and opinions. Thank you, and happy reading, may you enjoy❤️
Lydia's warm, plump lips, still lingered on Stiles' as he was lying down on the small, single bed in the centre of his room. The girl he's been chasing, since third grade finally gave him what he had been dreaming about for years. Stiles' brain repeatedly replayed the events, although it was gratifying to finally kiss 'the girl of his dreams', it felt oddly wrong ( apart from the fact she kissed him during one of his panic attacks) He felt like he was dreaming, he was kissing someone else, not Lydia.
Stiles sighed heavily as he heard a loud knock at his door. The sheriff quickly peeped his head through, "time for bed kiddo", his rough voice croaked as he had noticeably been doing a 20 hour shift again. "Goodnightttt daddio", Stiles Beamed back, "have a good one." He said while winking, the Sheriff only putting his palm to his face in sheer confusion of the teenaged boy and closing the door behind him. Stiles decided he probably needed rest and his second thoughts about Lydia would leave him by tomorrow.
The next day, Stiles was abruptly awoke by the sound of his ringtone (the spice girls obviously, and he wondered why people thought he was gay) shattering his eardrums, making him scream in sheer terror. "JESUS CHRIST", Stiles said shoving the phone next to his ear as he already knew who it was. "Ahh young Scotty, thank you for pleasantly waking me out of my slumber", Stiles said with the usual amount of sarcasm filling his vocal cords. On the other end of the phone all you could hear were Scott's sniggers as he snorted into the phone, "Dude, you do know I have been waiting outside for 10 minutes now, did you miss your alarm again?" "Shit,shit and another shit" Stiles said, while clambering out of bed and shoving on the clothes that were draped over his floor (Which were undoubtedly dirty) He quickly scrambled around and settled for a blue t-shirt with his grey sweats and quickly tied his laces on his white converse, to get out of the house as soon as possible, nearly leaving his bag behind.
Scott and Stiles soon arrived, on time which was a change and climbed out of the Jeep, meeting up with Lydia and Allison, walking up to them as they gossiped about god knows what. Lydia beamed a smile and kissed Stiles on the cheek which felt again, odd.
Derek was due to meet them all after school and Stiles was actually excited as he had been having a couple of deep conversations with Derek as Scott, his supposed best friend, has been no where to been found throughout the day, as well as Issac. Stiles knew there was something going on there, but he couldn't figure out if they were both pining after Allison or pining after each other. Stiles had sort of a keen eye for things like that, Stiles called it his gaydar, one of his many talents.
Talking to Derek had made Stiles a lot closer with him and they shared a few similar things such as, death of family members, feeling lonely and both liking to binge watch some good old RuPaul, noun again. It's like they both almost had a... bond. And everything felt different when they were around each other. Stiles got snapped out of his daydream by the horrifying screeching of coaches whistle. "GET TO CLASS YOU BUNCH OF SISSYS, ESPECIALLY YOU GREENBERG!!!!", was all Stiles could hear as Scott smirked at him, trying not to laugh and they both walked in to a dreaded day of school.

Anchors and mates- A sterek fic
FanfictionAfter kissing Lydia, Stiles couldn't stop thinking of one person in particular... Derek Hale. This fic takes you on a interesting journey, jam packed full of sterek and maybe a cheeky bit of scissac. Do Stiles and Derek have feelings for each other...