CHAPTER 2- Derek comes to the rescue

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Hi guys, another chapter for you here, hopefully you like it and tell me your thoughts in The comments. Happy reading😁

After a double period of maths, that Wednesday presented, Stiles realised how tired he really was after his battle with sleep de provision that week. Although he was zonked, Stiles could not miss this new update, of a new sighting of Deucalion in the area, as he already felt useless not having any big powers and being severely defenceless. Stiles just couldn't help his feelings. He felt like he was a burden to the pack. Feeling a little sorry for himself, he sighed, longing to be of more importance. Scott cocked his head at Stiles as they travelled back out through the school gates, to Roscoe. "Everything ok buddy?", a worried Scott asked. Stiles just smiled, signalling everything was fine and Scott took it as a signal he didn't want to talk about whatever it was, so shut up.
They were met at Roscoe with an annoyed looking Jackson (like he always was) and a beaming Issac, as they all got into the battered Jeep. It took them about 15 minutes to get to Dereks apartment, were the meeting was held and they were greeted by Lydia, Allison, Malia, Liam, Mason, Corey and obviously the big, brooding alpha.(also known as Derek Hale)
They all scrambled inside the large exterior of the bare apartment and gathered around a big marble table in the corner, with its only accessory being the big massive cork board Derek had put there for Stiles' outside thinking. Stiles thought this was a very sweet gesture, from an older man who didn't seem to care and kept literally nothing else on show in his apartment.
Derek started talking about where the sightings of Deucalion and the pack had been spotted as well as telling any other kind of information about the alphas, but got a bit distracted by a hard at work Stiles. String and pins for the cork board where everywhere while he tapped at his laptop, trying to gather any information possible. Everyone looked strangely at Derek, (everyone who was supernatural and could sense the arousal on him that was. obviously Stiles, Lydia, mason and Allison where oblivious) as he took a deep breath and tried to continue, ignoring Stiles' suddenly sweet scent and wanting to literally pin him up against a wall. Everyone was still in shock looking at Derek as if he had just stole a small child's ice cream cone. Derek felt the heat boiling up until he eventually exploded with a, " WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT?" Stiles slowly lifted his head up from his computer screen, eyes darting from were Derek was standing to the rest of the pack. "Did I miss something", he said giggling but still unsure of the situation and the sour look on Dereks face. Stiles thought it would be a good idea to turn around and pin some string up that hung in his mouth from mass concentration. This only worsening Dereks aroused state, trying to stop his eyes wondering across to Stiles ass.
He carried on with the rest of his speech, with an aching situation, stretching the fabric of his black ripped jeans while the other wolfs tried to ignore what they were obviously smelling. It was absolute agony and embarrassment for Derek, at the same time wishing there was no one else in he room so he could have his way with Stiles. What was wrong with him? Why was he feeling this way?
Stiles was just about to attach another piece of string to the board when he suddenly felt faint, weirdly Derek noticed instantly and caught Stiles before he fainted to the ground. Stiles was now unconscious but lucky not broken thanks to Dereks quicker than normal reflex's. Derek lay Stiles' head on his knee roaring at everyone to ring 911 quickly.
Stiles was quickly rushed to hospital, Melissa taking him straight away and making Derek and Scott stop on their tracks, saying that she would take care of him, he will be ok  and that one of them should ring the Sheriff. All the others waited outside anxious for new of their pack member as they all chatted to one another, wondering what happened.
Scott cleared his throat , " Derek, you saved Stiles life today, he could have cracked his skull if I weren't for you also what was with you and that weird smell around Sti"- Scott was cut off with Dereks face turning into an ' I'm going to rip your throat out with my teeth if you speak one more word look' and he growled while doing so, making the act more convincing.
All Derek was worried about was ... Stiles!?

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