10th performance

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Day 5 (Part 1/2)

Namjoon stared at the clothes on the hanger in disbelieve. He thought it would become better, but this could only be described as the worst. He had to wear a fucking dwarf costume: yellow trousers that were obviously too short, a purple jacket with a black belt and a damn red cap. Not to speak of the pink big shoes, but those would most likely stay in his room.

When he looked up again he could see a wide grin on the magician's face that even revealed the smaller man's gums. A reserved expression made its way on his own face.

"It's a pleasure for me to always make a fool out of me with those strange costumes," he said with a wry faked smile and walked through the backdoor to get changed. He would have to bear with it. Suga won't let him work in his own clothes, and he kind of did not want to either, because, no matter what, he always looked like the rich son he was. His closet did not contain cheap clothes.

With lots of sighs he put on the dwarf costume, except for the pink fluffy shoes, and headed out into the hallway. The blue-haired waved at him, waiting in front of a new door that read Kookie in red letters. Cute.

Suga knocked. And knocked again, but did not get a response, so he simply opened the door and stepped inside. That much to privacy... The room Namjoon saw was confusing him. He would have expected anything but this. Opposite of the door was a big desk with a giant computer screen and a sound system, a fancy tower PC underneath. To his right was a modern black closet with a big mirror door, and to his left stood a black bunk bed with a couch, also black, underneath. The walls were striped white like in his own room, except for the wall behind the closet which was a strong yellow. The room looked like that of a normal teenager if there had not been a slag-line from the left front corner to the right back corner.

Suddenly a door at the other end of the room, next to the bed, burst open and a young boy stumbled inside. His raven hair was tussled, and he was fiddling with the zipper of his pants. The white shirt he wore was reverse, the stitched-up ends showing on his shoulders and collar, and he looked insanely satisfied, making Namjoon wonder who lived in the other room.

The boy's face changed to cold and repellent when he saw him.

"Who's that clown?" he asked, eyeing the dwarf costume with a judging look.

"Respect him," Suga growled, "He's your hyung."

"Yeah, just like everyone else around me... hyung. I look more grown up than this twink," the raven hissed.

"You damn kid! Be grateful I-"

"I won't let myself be judged by someone who can't wear his t-shirt properly. Do you need help with putting on your diapers, little boy?" Namjoon interrupted the magician's curse and stared down the young man in front of him.

Two pairs of surprised and shocked eyes looked at him, one black, one coffee brown. Their faces were priceless.

"What? I'm a rich brad. You thought I can't cut one's tongue?" he asked playfully and put on the smuggest smile he possessed.

"Well," the magician began, recovering from the unexpected sassiness, "However, Kookie this is Namjoon, our intern, Namjoon this is Jungkook, our tightrope artist. Have a nice day, and try to not kill each other." Namjoon could swear he heard a quiet 'I already had enough of that', but he was not sure.

He turned towards the younger when the blue-haired left the room. "How can I help you?"

"Bring me some coffee!" the kid ordered, obviously still pissed.

Namjoon rolled his eyes, but obeyed. He would have to do it anyways, because being on bad terms with this boy won't help him with anything. Acceptance was the key to befriending someone, that much he had learned from Hoseok. But when he was out on the hallway, he realized that he had no idea where he could get a coffee, nor how the younger liked to drink his. He thought for some seconds and decided that it would be cleverest to ask Jin. Jin had always helped him when he had needed help. He walked down the hallway and knocked on the elder's door. Some seconds passed before the door opened and he was greeted by a sight that made his breath hitch.

In front of him stood Jin, but he was dressed in a red evening dress in the traditional Chinese style with equally red lips and fake lashes that made his eyes look huge. The damp pink hair was held back with a strap.

Namjoon had forgotten how to breath. He simply stared at the picture in front of him.

"Nice costume," the red lips said and curled up into a smile, "How can I help you?"

Brought back to reality, Namjoon suddenly felt overly self-aware in the dwarf costume, and it took him some seconds to collect his thoughts again.

"Ahm, I need coffee. For Kookie. But I don't know where to get it or how he likes it, so I hoped you could help me," he finally got out. He was proud that he did not blush.

A pitiful expression looked back at him, but he was still too caught up in the sight of the red lips to notice it.

"Help me get out of this awful dress and I'll get you the coffee," the beauty offered and opened his door widely.

Namjoon followed the older inside, not without giving his butt an approving look and cursing himself afterwards, and sat down on the bed. Silently, he watched Jin getting off the makeup and fake-lashes. It had something meditative to watch his careful moves and see the real Jin reappear from under the paint.

When the beauty was done with his face, he stood up from the dressing table and came over to him. Unsure of what to do Namjoon stood up and waited for further instructions. Jin stepped in front of him and the sweet scent embraced him once more. The lipstick had stained the elder's lips red and Namjoon could not get his eyes off the tempting sight. Fortunately, Jin turned around and gestured to the zipper.

"Could you open that for me?" the pink-haired asked.

Nervously, Namjoon grabbed the zipper and pulled it down, revealing smooth white skin. God, how he wanted to touch that small stripe of warm skin. Gently, he let his index finger run over the other's spine while pulling down the zipper to his hips and a little lower. Jin let out a shaky breath, but clapped his hand over his mouth instantly. Carefully, Namjoon pulled open the dress and pushed it over the brought shoulders, revealing the whole back to his eyes. Jin took a deep breath like he had not been able to breath properly in the tight cloth. Unsure of the reaction he would get, Namjoon let his fingertips run over the warm skin up from the waist to the nape and began to massage the stiff muscles.

"God, yes," Jin sighed and Namjoon had to press his lips together to not let out some inappropriate sounds. He was just helping a friend relax after work. Nothing more. There was no damn reason to get aroused!

A deep groan escaped the beauty's lips when he found an extremely stiff muscle between the shoulder blades, and the older threw his head back. Damn, this was unfair. Namjoon tried to ignore the inviting bared neck in front of him, but failed terribly. He just had to; there was no chance of going against the urge. Slowly he lowered his lips on the soft white surface and breathed in the overwhelming sweet scent. God, this should not feel this good.

The next thing he felt was the hand in his hair that slightly pulled on his strands, making him growl.


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