Chapter 2

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"Setting you up with?! What do you mean?" Carter only smirks as I practically scream at him. "Let's go in and my mom will explain." When Carter flashes me a million dollar smile all I can do is nod and follow him into the room where the queen is waiting for us. "You're together, I'm assuming introductions have been made" As the queen stares down at me I realize she's waiting for an answer and quickly nod my head. "Good, that saves a little time, as my son has probably told you I am arranging you two to be wed within the next year." As I stand in front of the queen speechless Carter takes everything in stride. "Why?" Is all I can manage to say when the queen looks at me expectantly. "You are the smartest girl in the kingdom, no criminal record, and you are beautiful, therefore you are fit for my son." As I stand next to Carter in shock he looks at me "Are you alright Scarlet, you look really stressed." I look at him as if he's grown another head "Of course I'm stressed!" I screech "I just found out I'm to marry the prince within a year! And I don't even know him!" Carter smirks at me while I try to stay composed "We have a year darling, we will learn to love each other I'm sure of it." While I know his smile is meant to be supportive I still can't focus on anything right now. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the whole idea when I hear Carter telling the guards to take me to a room so I can rest. As I hear the footsteps approaching I finally snap out of my daze. "Don't touch me, I want to speak to prince Carter." I demand as I turn to face the guards. They step back looking bewildered by their own actions. "What are you doing, take her to a room, now." says the queen irritatedly. The guards take a few steps towards me before I react. "Do not come any closer." I tell the guards, they stop. The queen looks at me then back at the guards "listen to my orders and take her to a room" she demands. The guards look at the queen and one speaks up, "My Queen I'm afraid we can not move". The queen looks to me while I stare at the guards in shock. "Kneel" I whisper, the guards knew. The queen looks at me shocked "what are you doing to them?" She demands. "I don't know" I responded confused and scared. "Stand and walk back to your post" I tell the guards, they listen. I look up at Carter who's staring at me like I've just committed a crime, maybe I have. "Back up" I whisper, he takes a step back. He glances down at his body like it betrayed him the back up at me. "How did you do that?" He asked. "I don't know." I whisper. "You have to know" says the queen "until you're ready to be honest about what just happen you are to stay in a private room within the palace." I nod, to exhausted to fight. The guards grab my arms and take me down a long hallway until we reach and big wooden door, they open it and push me in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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