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You where quite lonely to start off with. No one would ever wave to you in the school corridors or give you a soft glance when bumping past a fellow 'classmate' in your school. But to be honest, you liked it that way.

But there is one friend that is by your side and making sure you and everyone else is doing well.

"(Y/n)! Hi!" She yelled through the corridor, instantly grabbing you and many others attention. Their eyes would widen, almost as big as a fish' eye as you stood there waiting for her to run up to you and sling her arm around your neck.

As expected she did exactly that. You giggle from her child-like behaviour and started to walk to the roof of the building together, known as both of your favourite places to be, leaving everyone looking at us in disbelief.

    Our walk was quiet.. too quiet and I        had time to think about some things       until my question slipped out.
"Hey..Megan..do you think I'm odd?" I asked her making her pause in her steps. She stared at me with a facial expression I have never seen before, until it changed to a smile and shaking her head lightly.
"Not to me..but I will admit that everyone is weird but are wanting to be normal..but the question is...what is normal anymore?" Her voice trails off a bit.

I give her a look of sympathy and hug her fragile body gently, making sure not to hurt her.
"At least someone agrees with me then." I whisper to her. We both smile at each other and sat on the bench on the roof.
A few minutes passed and we both were having a weird conversation until she asked, "(Y/n) do this ritual with me please!" My best friend squealed. I just looked at her full of confusion as she caught on and let out a chuckle.

"You know.. the proxy ritual everyone is obsessing over?!" She leans against me. Letting out a sigh I nod my head and finally reply.
"Okay..but it will depend on what we have to do in this ritual." She shows me that toothy grin she used to give as a child and told me the details.

After explaining everything to me I finally agreed into doing this and started to stand up along with her and leave the roof.

-time skip from school to home-

After school finally finished, I took my school bag and threw it onto my back and headed out of the door and straight home.

"Don't forget that at 11:50pm you are to meet me in the woods at the top of our road!" Megan's words play round in my head to help me remember. I actually don't get what this ritual is for still, but from what she said it sounds fake to me. But I guess I can just do it still for her.

I checked my phone and it finally read
11:46pm I locked it again and got a flashlight from my draw and snuck out my back door quietly, not disturbing anyone else who's asleep.

I reached the woods and seen Megan reading some book. She quickly closed it and shoved it in her bag when she realised I was here.

She cleared her throats and spread her arms out.
"Welcome to the woods! This is the location we are using for the ritual and I forgot to mention..do not look around when you see your flash light flicker! Quickly turn it off and link my arms. Be honest to him and treat him with respect." She told me. I just nodded my head quickly as we began to walk around with our eyes glued to the ground.

After an hour of walking round my feet started to ache and I felt the urge to sit down. I was about to complain but stopped when I heard Megan gasp.
"Turn off your torch! Mine flickered! quickly link my arm." I will admit I was terrified but only because it's dark and we have no light.

I link her arm and close my eyes shut as we both began to say the proxy pledge in unison.

I am here to serve
I will not disobey or lie to my master
I will be with my partner whether I like it or not
After I accept this life I cannot return to my old one
I am nor human nor demon
I am a proxy
I am here to serve my master

A few seconds, to what seemed like minutes, passed by and nothing happened.
'I thought this was fake and it would wor-'
My thought was cut off by an echoing deep voice that surrounded my brain and ears.
"What was you saying child?" I froze in my place and kept my eyes tight.
"I thought this was fake and wouldn't work." I answered back in my head. The voice was chuckling and sounded calmer.
"And why is that? Let me think.. because no one has seen us and you think of it as some fairy tale untold.. well this is real and now you have to serve me." I clenched my teeth together from his Snide remark and spoke back.
"I only did this so I can support Megan! Even though I said the pledge.. that doesn't mean I wanna work for you!" I fought him off until he spoke again.
"Megan hm..well I don't remember anyone called Megan.. she must have disappeared hehe~ you will work for me or you will end up like your friend..come back here in 24 hours and give me your answer. If not you die." The voice faded away and left me with the most biggest ache ever in my head. I felt my hand grip tighter around Megan's but she didn't grip back.

I slowly open my eyes to see he head gone and blood pouring down he neck and uniform. Tears formed in the corner of my eyes as I let them fall down to the iced over leaves that surrounded us.

I finally found the courage to run away from that horrible sight and back to my own home where I threw myself on my bed and cried and less streams of tears.

"Goodnight child." I heard the voice speak as it chuckled and went away again, leaving me to cry from shock letting sleep take over and finally dozed off into an empty sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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