Chapter Three

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22nd March 3203

"That was the worst training session ever." Mathew groaned. Casper chuckled at his friends dramatics as they prepared to leave that evening.

"You say that everyday."

"Today was even worse with the general making goo- goo eyes at the new guy. I swear he was obsessed with the guy. What's so special about him anyway?" 

"Shut up, Mathew, he's coming over here now." Casper muttered. Robert was making his way over to the two boys.

"Hey, Robert, how are you?" Mathew said.

"Yeah, I'm good. Listen, I was wondering if you'd be able to show me to the main government building. My sister and I are meant to meet Ruben Grey there." He replied.

"Actually, Ruben Grey is my father. We were just walking home now, if you want to join us." Casper replied.

"Thanks. My sister is just outside the gate. She's not allowed on the premises." 

"That's fine." 

There was an awkward silence among the group as they began to leave the compound, until Mathew finally spoke up.

"So, Robert, how long have you been here for?"

"We only arrived here two days ago. We practically had to fight our way in here in the first place." He replied.

"How come?"

"Oh yeah, my sister and I are ex-rebels. We left them about a week ago." He explained. Casper and Mathew both stopped walking and stared at the boy next to them.

"You're not serious. You? You're an ex-rebel? I don't believe that." Mathew said, amazed at this news.

"It's true. He even has the tattoo to prove it." Another voice said. A pretty girl was walking towards them, dressed in the normal daytime attire for women in Clascatava. 

"Clary, you're not supposed to be here." Robert said.

"Sorry, but you were taking way too long." She replied.

"Casper, Mathew, this is my sister, Clarence." Robert sighed.

"Nice to meet you both." She said.

"The pleasure is ours." Casper replied. She turned back to her brother.

"Robert, we have a meeting with Head- Peacebringer Grey in ten minutes. This is important." She said. 

"You're right. Casper was going to show us the way." He replied.

"I could have shown you the way. I've been here a load of times." 

"Clarence, your input is not needed. You came here to become a Clascatavan, you're no longer one of them." Robert ordered. She glared at him, but said nothing. Casper began walking again with Mathew and the two siblings followed behind. 

A few people stared at the two adults, clearly aware of their backgrounds. One or two even stopped and asked them questions about the rebels, but they got no answer. The two were very secretive and clearly they had been told to keep their mouths shut about any information they possessed.

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