Something just like this

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Bucky opened his eyes. He recognized quickly the numb body and coldness in general of just being woken up from chyrofreeze. Everything was a bit blurry and confused until he heard T'Challa's voice from beside him. "How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Just the normal chyrofreeze after effects." Bucky started to sit up, but T'Challa pushed him back down.

"Normally we have to run some tests to make sure you really are ok, but you've been in and out of chyrofreeze so many times I trust your judgement." T'Challa paused, and Bucky turned to look at him.

"You look troubled. Has something gone wrong?" Bucky asked, then "Wait, where's Steve?"

"There has been a problem." T'Challa paused, and for a moment Bucky considered strangling him for answers. "It turns out that someone you know has had serious depression for a while. He would have scars up and down his arms by now, but the serum has hidden those for him."

"Steve!?" Bucky asked worriedly.

"I know very well that you are entirely capable of overthrowing me in an instant, so I will not attempt to pin you down, but I ask that you do your best to stay calm." T'Challa paused until Bucky promised, then he continued. "I have heard stories where he crashed a plane and was ready to die many years ago, and yet he woke up here. I cannot help but wonder if he crashed the plane to kill himself because there was no one that really knew him."

"Was it Steve? Because if so, there were plenty of people that knew him." Bucky was getting more and more worried.

"Really knew him, Mr Barnes. There was only one person that really knew him, and that person had supposedly died on a treacherous train trip a little while earlier. Anyways, this person attempted Suicide yesterday. The only thing that saved him was the serum."

"Steve! Where is he?!" Bucky yelled standing up.

"Hospital wing. I would ask you to be calm..." T'Challa trailed off, seeing as Bucky was already out of the room.

Bucky raced to the hospital wing, pushing away officials that tried to calm him. Someone who knew Bucky and his connection to Steve yelled "Fifth door on your right!" Bucky skidded to a stop at the door, ripped it off its hinges, and ran into the room.

Steve was lying on the bed, unconscious, but breathing. Bucky heard people repairing the door and locking it, allowing him to be alone with Steve. As Bucky sat down beside the bed, Steve stirred, but didn't wake up. "Steve..." Bucky whispered, slipping his hand into Steve's. "Steve, wake up! You have to! Please, Steve, for me." Bucky whispered to Steve until he eventually lost his voice.

Bucky didn't leave Steve's side. T'Challa brought meals for him, but each time he had to replace it, uneaten, with the next one. It became clear that Bucky had also stopped sleeping, but was rather staying awake all night with Steve. No matter what time T'Challa came in, Bucky was wide awake.

Eventually, about one week after Bucky stopped sleeping, T'Challa came in in the middle of the night to find Bucky finally asleep, his head at the edge of Steve's bed. T'Challa brought in a blanket and placed it around Bucky before closing and locking the door, pocketing he key so no one could get in and Bucky could sleep.

Around nine the next morning, T'Challa poked his head into the room. Bucky was still asleep, though Steve was stirring. T'Challa smiled and left, knowing that if Steve woke up and needed help Bucky would be there.

Steve woke up a few hours later. Looking around, he saw the white walls of T'Challa's hospital wing and he sighed. So the serum at saved him again. But this time T'Challa has found him. And brought him from the cliff. 'T'Challa will probably put me in counseling', Steve thought. 'But the only counceler that could ever help me was Bucky, and he's in Chyrofreeze, and he's not supposed to come out any time soon.'

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