Chloe Jones your typical school's nerd.She's not just any nerd but a nerd who have a successful career together with her best friends Emily Lockhart, Ethan Dolan.And like any other stories the school's bad boy, twin brother of ethan, Grayson Dolan.J...
Grayson POV I quietly went into my room and close the door as soft as I could.I then realise that Ethan was using his phone. "Hey man where did you go?"He asked. "I went to the kitchen, felt kind of hungry.Then I went for a walk to get my mind of some things"I lied. "You know if you have any problems you can share with me"he said seating up from his bed. "I don't know man but there's someone I have in mind.I don't know what I'm feeling.It maybe love cause I never felt this way before when with other girls."I said letting a little weight off my chest. "I guess you are really in love.Tell me about this girl"he said. "She is different from other girls, she's stubborn,gorgeous and she fight for what she wants and her rights.I met her in the hallways and I just fell for her at that moment.She said something after bumping into me.And we got intoba tiny argument."I said as a smile spread across my face. "I bet know this person cause the way you describe her seems familiar. But I had warn you the other day please don't hurt her.She went through something during 6th grade.But I can't stop you as you really seem to be in love with her."Ethan said. "What did she went through?" I asked curiously. "You might want to find it out yourself."he said.I nod.I then drifted off to sleep with a question at the back of my head.What did she went through?
Chloe POV My annoying alarm woke me up from my amazing sleep.I got up and got ready for school.Then a amazing smell hit my nose.I walk to the kitchen to see my mom making blueberry pancakes. "Morning mom.When did you came back?"I asked hugging her. "Morning honey, I came back around 3 am.I make your favorite pancake but before eating go and wake Emily up.I saw her bag and jacket on the couch this morning."mom said.I was about to walked out of the kitchen when Emily walk into the kitchen. "She's up"I said My mom just chuckled. "Good morning Mrs Jones"Emily greeted her. "Sweetie what said about you calling me by my last name"My mom raised an eyebrow. "Im sorry.Good morning Vanessa" Emily corrected herself. "Morning sweetie"Mom greeted her showing her white teeths. "Im tired and full"I said as I finished all 3 of my pancakes. "What time did you went to bed honey?"Mom asked. "1.10 am"I simply replied."What were you even doing at that late timing ?"she asked. "She had to deal with a boy"Emily simply replied. I glared at her.Mom was shock. "Did you get it last night?"Mom asked smirking. "Mom"I groan. "He wanted to givd my english homework but he didn't bring it"I replied. " I like this boy already.Who is he?"Mom asked. "Ethan's twin brother, Grayson" "Speaking of the Dolans, Lisa invited me over for dinner at her place tonight."Mom said. Mom and Lisa had been best friend since high school and that's how me and Ethan met. "But its a school day today and I would get tired"I said, pouting. "Who said its a school day?Did you check your phone, and why are you up so early?You are not the type of morning person."Mom asked. I look at her confused.I took my phone from the counter and look at the date.Saturday,18 November 2017.What?.Whlie I was checking my phone a message popped up.
Morning cutie-Grayson
How did you get my number?-Chloe
I have my ways 😉-Grayson.
I then remembered about my mom telling me its not a school day. "And why am I up so early?"More like who set my alarm?"I look up at mom, to see her giving Emily a high five and laughing. "Emilyyyyyy"I groan. "Anyways it's 7.50 am, and im heading to bed cause im lacking of energy"I said walking to my bedroom. "Make sure to be ready by 8.00pm cause we are going at 8.15pm" "Okay"I shouted back. I got to my room and lay on my comfortable bed.I dexided to go through my social media accounts. After a few hours of scrolling and watching youtube videos I charged my phone and went to bed to take a nap.Suddenly a notification popped up from one of my posts.
Username1:Hi im wondering if ur gonna upload a vid today. Username2:@Username1 yeah she did not upload it tdy. Username3:@Username2 @Username1 maybe she is still editing it or its still uploading.
I then remember I had to upload a video today.I grab my phone, Camera, Tri-pod stand and guitar and went to the recording room.I set up my lighting, camera, mics and tune my guitar and I am ready to record.
"Hey guys it's Chloe and I'm back with a new video.If you guys are not subscribe please do so by clicking on the top right corner if you're using a laptop and if you are using a mobile device click the red button down below.Also do make that thumbs up button from grey to blue."I said as the intro. "Today Im going to be playing and singing Life Of The Party by Shawn Mendes.Enjoy"I said smiling and played my guitar.
"That's it for this video, if you guys like it give it a thumbs up if u don't like it also do give it a thumbs up.Chloe Jones out peace"I said as an outro and covered the camera lens.I then went into my room and started editing my video.It took me 45 minutes to edit and now the video is uploading.By the time the video has been uploaded, it was already 4pm.I went onto instagram and make a insta story. "Hey guys its Chloe and a new video is up so be sure to check it out and swipe up to see the video."I said and posting the story up. I was kind of tired so I decided to take a nap but before that I picked out an outfit for tonight's dinner.I didn't have to go undercover to the Dolans house because all of them know about my undercover except for Grayson because everytime I went to their house Gray will not be there.But now he already knew about it.I picked out a simple outfit.I then went to take a nap.
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