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Hey. I'm... No, wait. My name doesn't matter, but the main point is, I am... weird. Not that kind of weird you might think of right now. But, let me explain.
I'm an introvert.
For those of you who don't know what that is... To sum it up, I hate being around other people. Don't get me wrong, I do have friends. I just prefer being alone, rather than hanging out with a whole lot of people.
I care for things, but not in a normal way. Basically I stopped caring long time ago, but I do care. Do you get me? It's hard to explain. Maybe now you understand, why I said I am weird. I don't talk much, but when I talk, I talk about things I'm interested in way to loud and with a voice that annoys everyone. I kind of like that treat though, to be honest. I like annoying people. It's the one thing I'm good at.
I don't care a whole awful lot about myself or others. But I'm keen on helping those creatures which are unable to help themselves on their own.
How do I look, you ask? Well I am average. Brown hair, not long, not really short, grey eyes, average height and average weight. On top of all I have average grades. Told you I was average. Don't expect to much. I'm a disappointment. Currently I try to survive my 17th year of living in this hell called real life and making my way through this bitch without bothering anyone. Doesn't mean I'm not bothered by anyone. I'm literally bothered by everyone. Maybe that's the reason I hate other people. But right now I just want to tell you about a little fellow of mine.
He's called Oncie. At least that's what he told me he's called. I met him not long ago on my way back home from school. I was pissed as I always am after coming home from school. But this guy had drawn my attention to him for a long time now. I seriously don't know what fascinated me about him, but weirdly enough he was always at the same spot when I walked home from school. After some time I started wondering what he was doing there all the time, but never talked to him. Obviously, duh, I don't like people. But it was that one day he sneaked up behind me and started talking to me.

"Hey.", he said. I jumped at his voice in my ear, causing me to let my books fall out of my hands.

-"H-hey.", I stuttered with a questioning look. "Can I help you?" I started picking up my books.

"You help me? Boy, you've been watching me for over two weeks now. How about you tell me how I can help you?"

I gasped and held my breath. Shit. He noticed? -"Leave me alone.", I snapped. His blue eyes got fierce, but he didn't say anything. I turned and left.


I came home, shut the door behind me, closed my eyes.

"Nice house you've got there."
A little scream escaped my lungs. I turned to see this dude leaning behind the door.

-"How did you...? When did you...? What the fuck?!", I exclaimed.

He ignored my stuttering questions and strolled around, observing everything. Thank god my parents were at work. This would have been hard to explain. I sighed.

-"I'm up in my room. Close the door behind you, when you leave."

I went up the stairs, into my room. My backpack flew all the way across my room and landed in the upper left corner. Maybe I shouldn't let a stranger be alone in my house. "My name's Oncie by the way.", he said with a rough voice, leaning against my door.

-"Could you stop that?!", I screamed.

"What?", he asked dumbfounded.

-"Appearing out of nowhere!"

He gave me a look like he was actually thinking about it. Then he shrugged his shoulders and said:"Guess I can't." My nerves were on the edge. I swear. So I took my journal and started writing. (No, it's not a diary! It's a journal. Nothing unmanly about having a journal.)

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