🍷CHAPTER - 17🍷

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Tapaswi's POV:

"Answer me Ms.Krithika Sen."

I can clearly see the utter shock on Krithi's face.

I can't stop myself from giggling!!!

I can't believe she still couldn't recognize the voice....

Oh lord!!

Once she gets to know our super intelligent plan, I am sure I would be as good as dead meat.

Ofcourse not before dragging Sneha and Bala along with me... 😜

I mean come on, I'm not the one who devised this plan! I might have helped them a bit though.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? " Krithi started panicking a bit.

"Don't you even know whom you called?!!" with that he cut the call off.

Hmm.... Looks like Krithi has a hell lot of explaining to do in future.

Well that's what you get for torturing us for years.

When we thought of playing this game in the party everyone wanted to take revenge 😋.

As we know that she would always choose a dare we thought of embarrassing her in front of her hubby.

So Sneha gave this awesome idea!!!

We would ask her to call a number we gave her, which would be Bala's Jio number, and she definitely didn't know that number.

Then we would ask her to flirt with the guy on call.

Bala would intentionally let Hruday answer the call!!!

So she would actually flirt with her fiance.

I know its quite a plan.

Hats off to Sne!!! 👏

We all are laughing and giggling whereas Krithi is as white as a paper.

"What is it, Krithi? " I asked her worrying about her.

She looked at me with wide eyes and mumbled inaudibly.

"Krithi, you see!! I'm human. I can't possibly understand your language right!! " I asked her in a teasing tone.

She regained some colour and glared at me.

I just raised my hands in Surrender. She calmed down a bit from her anxiety.

Then she said, "Do you think this guy is stalking me? How would he know about me? " she looks agitated.

"Calm down Krithi. You are getting paranoid. It might be someone invited to your wedding," Sneha said calmly.

"But how come he knows it's only me?And..." Sneha cut off Krithi saying -- "No buts Krithi. Just chill!!! Its your bachelorette party after all."

Listening to her words Krithi cooled down a bit.

After that we continued playing the game with some more interesting dares and truths worth of juicy gossip.

After that we lead Krithi to the next interesting destination this evening.

We planned a small hangout ofcourse keeping krithi in mind, at the pool with her groom and his friends.

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