Melissas Pov
Freehold, New Jersey
Today is the first day of tour, and let me just say I'm nervous. I don't know why I'M nervous but I just am. Grayson, Ethan, Claudia and I have all been getting along well so far.
We're going to be staying in Jersey for a few days because the twins want to spend time with their family before leaving. But tonight is their first show. They're nervous but can't wait at the same time. We leave the twins house early to go and eat breakfast. Ethan decided on IHOP because the kid just loves pancakes, I honestly think he will marry them one day.
After we were done eating we headed to the venue so the boys can do sound checks and get ready for tonight. We arrived a little early and there was already a line outside with screaming fans in the front and back of the building. The four of us got out of the car and girls started screaming for the boys to go over.
"Who are they?" One girl asks the twins while pointing at Claudia and I. Grayson walks up to me and grabs my hand. He pulls me over to the group of girls and Ethan follows behind us with Claudia hand in hand as well. Gray is the first to speak.
"This is Melissa. My beautiful girlfriend." He smiles down at me and I smile back.
"And this is Claudia. She's my girlfriend. Isn't she gorgeous?" He hugs her from the side and kisses her forehead. Most of the fans 'aww' at us but others gave us dirty looks. We shrugged them off and helped the twins take pictures with everyone. We could tell that the twins are very grateful for every single one of them and that made me so happy, because I work with two beautiful people who don't take important things for granted.
"Well we have to go and get everything ready for tonight so we will see you guys soon." Ethan says to the group. As we turned around I felt a slight tug at my hair and I turned to look at the group and I see a girl smirk.
"Grayson's mine bitch." She whispers.
No one seems to notice because they're either looking at their phones freaking out that they met the twins or they're just watching the twins walk into the building. I scoff and turn to walk inside. Little does she know I'm not even his real girlfriend, but knowing I'm going to get attacked for doing this makes me upset.
Sound check went great and the boys are looking good for their first show.
"5 minutes boys." Called the stage manager.
"Alright you two good luck and have fun ok?" I smiled at them and we all group hugged. When we pulled apart we started taking selfies to have for memories.
"I'm so nervous bro." Ethan said to Grayson.
"Me too but I know it's going to be great. Can't you hear everyone?"
The stage had gone dark and an intro video of the twins came on the big screen. The music came to a drop and the twins ran on stage popping a confetti popper. The crowd was going wild and the boys had the biggest smile on their faces. They seemed so happy.
During the show, Grayson decided to take his shirt off and everyone screamed their heads off and started pushing closer and closer to the stage. The boys didn't think anything of it until we saw medics running around and going into the audience. The boys rush off stage to be safe.
"What is going on?!" Ethan yells.
"The girls pushed each other and some got hurt. We don't know for sure how bad the injuries are." The stage manger said frantically. Ethan and Grayson pulled out their phones to write a tweet to tell the fans to calm down so they can continue the show. Eventually, everyone calmed down and the twins went back up.
"I hope everyone is ok." Claudia said behind me.
"Same here. That was scary, I didn't think that would happen." I said. We both went to sit on a couch that was backstage. We got on our phones and noticed we had a shit ton of notifications on all of our social medias.
"What the hell. How did they find our social media's?" I asked.
"Maybe they went through Ethan and Grayson's follows." She shrugged. We followed a few accounts back. Well the ones who didn't hate us. A lot of them were really sweet and I talked to a few of them. I noticed an account was commenting the same thing over and over on my posts.
Grayson's mine.
Grayson's mine.
Grayson's mine.
Grayson's mine.
Grayson's mine.
Grayson's mine.
You better leave him because he's mine and I'm sure you don't want to get hurt.I clicked on the account and it was the same girl who had tugged my hair earlier. I locked my phone and set it down. This job is more difficult than I thought. It's really scary. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.
"Everything ok Melissa?" Claudia asked. I opened my eyes and looked at her.
"Yeah um, everything is fine just a little tired."
"Oh ok. Well things aren't going so great with me so far."
"Why's that?"
"Well since fans are finding out about Ethan and I, I've been getting mean comments and death threats. I don't know if I should tell him or not. I mean it's not like we're actually together.." she trailed off and looked down. She seemed sad.
"Hey, hey what's wrong?"
"I'm so fucking stupid!" She put her head in her hands.
"Woah, woah, woah. Why do you say that?" I scoot closer to her and rub her back.
"I-I really like Ethan." Tears are running down her face. "And I know I shouldn't but the moment I saw him, I felt something. Something that made me feel... relieved. It's like with that one look at him, all of my problems went away. But now, new problems are rising and they're worse than before. I'm supposed to be professional and just act. Unfortunately, acting doesn't block feelings."
I felt for her. When I saw Grayson, I knew my feelings were going to get the best of me and I would fall for him. But I told myself I wouldn't. Not yet anyway. Maybe when the tour is over and him and I are still friends, we could take things slow. I hugged Claudia until she calmed down. She had layed down on my lap and drifted off to sleep. Finally the boys came back stage so we could go back to their place.
Ethan saw Claudia sleeping and smiled.
"Here, I'll take her to the car." He picked her up bridal style. I made sure to grab all of our belongings. Grayson put his arms around my shoulders and we started walking towards the car.
"So how was it?" I asked him.
"It was unbelievable. There's no words to describe it. I met so many people who support us and I'm so thankful for every single one of them." He had the biggest smile on his face. He's such a beautiful person. I don't understand why he needs a fake girlfriend. He's caring and handsome and a gentleman and cute and-
Shit here I go again.Maybe I'm falling for him faster than I thought...
Sorry for the slow update cuties. I just didn't know what to write but apparently writing at 4 am really helps lol. Hope you enjoyed this ;) I might also put the rude girl back in the story later on so keep a look out. I LOVE YOU!

Public Relations | g.d
Fanfiction"Just hold my hand and smile." "I'm getting tired of this." Truth is she wasn't tired of it. She loved being with him. She just doesn't want to show it.