(28) in which she isn't there

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"Ow..." Cesar Azpilicueta, quietly cursed to himself as he banged into a bench. He sighed, perhaps walking with his snout in his phone wasn't the best idea; especially for someone as accident-prone as him.

Now it was just another Monday morning, as Cesar walked to the class. The hallway was quiet. Something he had grown accustomed to every morning.

As he neared the classroom he noticed that the door was closed, and through the small window could that the lights were off.


Usually he would come to see the door opened, the lights on, and a certain Megan Tibbitts sitting at her desk waiting for him.

But Megan Tibbitts couldn't have been late today? Could she?

A small smile etched onto his face. As he dug into his pockets and took out his keys.

Was Cesar early today? Him? Out of all the people?!

He twisted the doorknob and went inside, turning on the lights. The classroom was clean and tidy. Giving Cesar all the more reason to remember to thank the custodial staff at the end of the day.

He placed his satchel, on Megan's desk.... er... well technically it was both their desk. He checked up on Vert, who seemed to be healthy.

And then he grabbed a chair, and sat down. Twiddling his thumbs, as he waited for his partner.

"Any second now. She's going to be here, any second now..."

But as the students came pouring into the class, and as the time went flying by Megan Tibbitts was nowhere to be found.

Now, to say Cesar was someone who frantically worried was an understatement. So, you can imagine the worry and anxiety that was going through the young naval officer's mind at the moment.

Cesar glanced towards the clock. 8:50

There were about 10 minutes 'till school started. He sighed. "What if she never comes at all?"

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door. And for a second he was confused on what to do. It was always Megan's job to allow visitors into the classroom.

Cesar shook his head; "she's not here today. You're going to have to take charge."

So he took a deep breath, and said the two words he'd always hear his partner say in situations like this; "Come in!"

And in came a young blonde-haired woman and man. The woman had a nice pair of glasses, and was holding a package of stapled papers. Whereas the young man had the messiest hair Cesar had ever seen.

Cesar stood up. "Um... hullo."

The woman smiled. "Hey. Uh... I'm the substitute teacher. Uh... I'm Felicity Kroos."

Cesar smiled. "Uh... I'm Cesar."

Suddenly the young man next to Felicity erupted in a fit of giggles. "I'm Ringo Süle!" he crooned, and his English accent was the first thing Cesar noticed.

Felicity glared at him. "I thought I told you to go down to the Computer Lab and teach my class."

Ringo pouted his mouth. "But-"

"-No buts! Just go!"

Ringo sighed, and turned to Cesar. "Good luck spending the rest of the day with her, mate."

"RINGO! Just go!"

Ringo rolled his eyes, and walked out the class. Felicity turned her attention back towards Cesar.

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