(35) email

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*New Email*

From: Marina Granovskaia – m.granovskaia@gmail.ca

To: You – cesar.azpilicueta@yahoo.ca

December 16, 2017

Hey Cesar,

Usually officers receive this type of email from a higher official, not the director of operations. But if figured that no one else would be able to explain all the information.

            First things first, your appeal against the board for your suspension has been under review. And it seems that your 15-month suspension has now been reduced to 5. Meaning that your suspensions ends on January 1st, 2018. Although it is expected you arrive to base before then.

            Secondly, your request for an investigation unit has been granted. It took some convincing; and a whole lot of arguing. But if we want to be as good as Pinkerton one day, we might as well start somewhere right?

The funding that comes with the team will be granted by the government. We are allowing you to choose your own team; although it is encouraged it be members from the military.

There is still much paper work to be done, and questions to be asked such as; The name of the unit? head quarters?

            Lastly, I am sending you about 40-50 files on the legalities of the unit. It is mandatory that you read through it; although I doubt you will.

I will keep you updated on the progress.

See you soon,

Director Marina Granovskaia

Head of Investigative Operations.

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