Epilogue Part 1

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~Third Person POV~

"형! 누나! HI!!"

"Gosh Daehwi, it's early in the morning. People are looking at us."

"Well Woojin hyung is worse than me. He talks more than me."

The older boy gave him an incredulous look before opening his mouth.

"No i don't! You are the noisy one! The things i say makes perfect sense unlike y-"

"Gosh! Stop quarreling early in the morning!"

Do Hyun finally spoke up, and walked away from the duo hiding her face in her book.

The two boys glanced at each other, nudging the other before taking big steps to catch up with the girl.

Contrary to their usually loud train rides, it was eerily quiet this time, before one of them spoke up.

"Look, i'm sorry for having an outburst just now. I'm just feeling really sleepy today."

"It's okay. We are sorry for quarreling too."

"Soo are you still mad at us?"

Daehwi fiddled with his fingers while staring at Do Hyun with pleading eyes.

"Well, nope. I'm still tired though."

Her head was drooping as she hugged her textbook as if it was her pillow as she dozed off.

Seeing this, Daehwi slapped Woojin's arms excitedly and whispered.

"Hyung! When are you going to ask her out? It's been 5 months."

Woojin quickly hushed the boy, afraid that Do Hyun would wake up and hear it.

"I don't know honestly. I don't even know if she likes me back."

"Oh my gosh! She obviously does! Do you see how she reacts when you talk to her and when i talk to her? She stares at you like you are the only thing existing in the world and she literally babies me because she thinks i'm her little brother. So?"

"I'll find a way."

"You don't need to rack your brains, because the almighty Daehwi has come to save you!"

Woojin smacked the youngers' arm before turning to check if Do Hyun had woken up.

"Lower your volume! You are going to wake her up."

"Oops. Anyways, as i was saying, i have a plan! You should buy her cotton candy, then eat it while she is eating it! Like in the dramas!"

"Nope. That's cringy. I have my own plan now shush before she wakes up."

Woojin hushed the boy as he continued to stare at Do Hyun, causing the younger one to roll his eyes.


The epilogue is here!! I didn't actually plan for this so PLEASE FORGIVE ME IF IT IS BAD! I also figured the entire epilogue would be too long, so i split it into 2 parts! Enjoy!!


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