Part 4 - Joy

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Since my toddler days, walking didn't seem as hard as it did today. I lowered my head, took short fast strides in the direction of the Chelsea boots. I had no idea why I was doing this particular pattern. Every tenth stride included me looking up casually to see if Harry was going in the same direction. If there was any awkwardness involved in between, bend down and tie the shoe laces.

The perfect plan proceeded for few moments when suddenly the subject did a quick turn.

'Act casual act casual'

I swirled around, put my hand on the head and followed Harry into the door. The full implication of what I have done hit my head when I saw the latrines that were shaped and placed oddly over the walls.

'Please be a unisex restroom!'

I slowly opened the knob of the door to be greeted by the Harry's men in black. They squinted their eyes on me but didn't say or act upon. I was mildly surprised at this. Given my round, but miniature size, I must have seemed harmless. The surprise turned slightly into a sentences of self-depreciating comments.

"Women's toilet is on the opposite side", said a voice slowly.

I looked up and my neck stretched a bit. He was tall, with a smile plastered on his face. His men in black followed him a straight line now. If they surrounded Harry at this very moment, I could have protected Harry on the lower levels, while they did on the top. He was that tall!

Height could be a relative; I was short.

I nodded and murmured a thanks. I mumbled something about announcement and being late. I am not sure if he understood, and I didn't wait for his answer as well. I trodded towards the enquiry section, with Harry duly following me.

"How can I help you?" the lady at the country asked.

This was the face behind the robotic voice. I stood with a blank stare.

"Are you passengers for OS111 ?", she asked pulling up some papers. There were some more men in black behind her. I was trying to understand the pattern here.

"Yes, I am one of the passengers", Harry replied and looked at me. The robotic voice woman also did the same as if my answer would be the final to launch the satellite mission.

"I am also the passenger in the same flight", I finally replied.

She looked at both of us like watching a tennis match, and ended her look at Harry. If it were Tennis match, it means I won. But this wasn't a tennis court.

" Sir, apologies for our inconvenience and delays. You have the airport security follow you, so I assume you are important to us" she paused while I stared at her thinking, ' What was I ? A buffoon waiting for a banana here ?'

She didn't get my mind voice or even look in my direction, but continued with all expressions with Harry "I am sorry that I don't recognize you. We are doing our best for everyone. We can..."

"What is happening here?" Harry exclaimed in the slowest possible pace. I was still lingering on her comment of not knowing Harry. People like her exist too, which makes me understand that sometimes some great famous people also become as negligent as me. Harry became as negligent as me when she said that. But, he didn't seemed to mind, which was completely unexpected of him. I thought all celebrities at International level acted like the world belonged to them.

She looked down and took a deep breathe.

"This airport is under surveillance of the defense of the country. There has been bomb threats. We are sure this is not true, but we can't put our customers in risk ".

"What should we do?", I had to contribute to this dialogue.

Everyone finally looked at me. Ok, I am not invisible.

"All our flights have been taken off. Your flight has been on hold at Vienna till the security shows a green flag here. The airport is on red security alert and we cant risk to station the passengers here any longer", she explained in detail looking at both of us.

"But, we were waiting in the airport all this while in the red alert", I accused. My fault. I bit my tongue to have spoken out of turn.

"We are sorry for that.  At this time, we dont want to let any customer out of this place.  All of you and your bags would also be searched , just to be sure. We have a special flight named Dreamfly which will be fully functional only from next year. It is a full luxury flight of all Business class. It is brought from the Hanger to the gate 17. It would require of you to stay in this flight till we are signaled green"

Harry was about to speak, when she signaled him to stop. This seemed fun now.

"We are not sure of when it will be, but the Dreamfly is truly luxurious in every sense. We have steward serving you for all your needs."

"But, I have a concert in 3 days. I was looking forward for a good rest", Harry moaned. Again in a slow pace.

" The flight has beds and food, sir. It will be more than convenient. If everything is checked satisfactorily, we will also fly you to destination in the same flight. But, we have just one problem".

We both looked at her.

" Since both of you came in late, you have to share a closet together", she said.

I choked for a second.

' Are we going to share a bed ?', my thoughts were running wild.

" There are cushion seat bed as well as beds, each of you can chose to rest on any of them. Could you please adjust?"

'Cushions and bed. They were two things for two of us. Damn.' She burst my imagination bubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2017 ⏰

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