Girls Night pt1

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Emma's POV
I put on a nice shirt and a pair of ripped jeans. Amy, Max, Alex, Kat, and i were going to get dinner then going to the carnaval. I put on make up and waited for the uber that was picking all of us up.

Max's POV
I was getting changed when i hered humming from the bathroom. I looked im to see Alex. She was putting on make up and fixing her hair. "Are you almost ready?" She jumped and then answered. "Yes almost." I put on shoes and waited for her. She came out of the bathroom and kissed my cheek before sitting on the couch next to me.

Amy's POV
I put on a nice dress with pikachus on it. I looked in a mirror and smiled. I then put on some make up. Put on my shoes and waited for the uber.

Kat's POV
I put on a set it off tank top and black ripped jeans. I put on shoes then stood infront of a mirror. I didnt think i looked nice or even good. But i still had to go.

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