Why Dose He Keep Doing This

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Kats POV

I stood outside waiting for something. I wasnt sure what but something. I stood there in the cold, hands in my pokets. I started to walk. It was getting dark and i wanted to get to my apartment. I walked by a few clubs hearing the loud music, smelling the alcohol and people shouting. I walked by the next one quickly. I didnt want to hear the sounds. I kept walking i knew my apartment wasnt to far.

I got into my apartment smelling the familiar sent if lavender. I walk in and set my stuff down then get some coffee knowing it was going to be a long night. Yoshima went out to hang with friends and i was stuck at home. Working. I sat at my lap top and started to work. I got a text from Yoshi.
[Y-Yoshi K-Kat]
Y-hey sry im not home yet
K-its fine have fun with ur friends
Y-ill b home soon ok

I looked at the time it was 0:06 (aka 12:05). I sighed as i kept working.

A few hours later the door opened and Yoshima was standing there. "Hey." I didnt answer. "Im sorry. I know i said i would be there soon...but i..i had stuff i needed to do." I still didnt answer i didnt even look at him. He dose this all the time. I didnt need his excuses. "Well im going to go to bed." I piced up my lap top and went to our living room. I hate it when he dose that. He'll tell me hes going ti be home soon then show up hours later. It was 3:37 and he was in bed sleeping. I closed my lap top and climbed into bed with him. He turned over and put his arms around my waist. "Im sorry. I wont do it again. I promise. Your more important than my friends." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Ok." I said softly. After laying in silence for a few more minutes i fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat.

Hey i hope u liked it. I think this is 1 of my best chapters.

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