Chapter I: Another day in paradise

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**Your POV**
I woke up dazed. My head spinning. I stayed up all night lost in my thoughts. Coming up with reasons why I was cursed with such a horrendous family. My mother committed suicide was I was only five years old leaving me with my very aggressive father.

I remember only a little when my mother was around. My father was such a gentleman and my mother was loved by the whole neighborhood she was so happy. My mother was the reason my father quit drinking. She helped him get his act together and then she married him. True love in my opinion.

My father started drinking a year after my mothers death. His excuse was that he was grieving. Nothing scared me more than my father. He took me out of public school in 6th grade and had me start online school. Now he can beat me all he wants and no one will ever know.

Most days I sit alone in my room doing my schoolwork on my computer while my father was either at work or at the bar getting drunk. Now that I think about it I haven't seen him sober in such a long time. I wish I could help but helping always ends with me getting hurt.

Now that I am 16 years old I have turned much darker. Much colder. I know I am not the sweet little girl I used to be.

I feel different.

I had awoken extremely late and I needed to start on my schoolwork before my father gets home.
It was already dark and I rushed to get my schoolwork done.
My head pounded and my eyes were heavy. Irritated I went to the kitchen to make myself some coffee realizing that it's going to be a long night of studying.

Back on my laptop I heard the ringing of the coffee pot alerting me that my coffee was ready.


I tiredly slurred. I held my cup in my hand and began to pour my long awaited coffee in.
The door suddenly busted open causing me to just and drop the cup. Shards of glass flew every which way and coffee stained the white tile floors in the kitchen.

My father stood in the doorway visibly drunk again. I looked down at the mess and began to panic knowing he would punish me for making such a mess. I frantically grabbed a towel and started to clean it up trying to hold back my tears. I heard a soft growl escape my father's mouth.

He slammed the door and headed right towards me.

"S-s-stand up girl."

I arose to my feet with the wet towel in hand as I began to silently cry teardrops stream down my face.

"You little piece of shit, did you make this mess?!"

He was right in my face I could practically smell the awful stench of alcohol in his breath. I nodded my head slowly and bit my bottom lip to stop myself from making any sound. He stayed standing uncomfortably close to my face for a couple of seconds before backing up and raising his hand. I prepared myself for a hit.

He smacked me across the face and pushed me to the ground, my leg cut on a piece of glass. I sobbed hard and I watched blood flow out of my wound. I began to cry louder and louder.

He growled and grabbed me tightly by the wrist and pulled me back up to my feet only for me to collapse again because my wound was burning and the pain was so surreal. His grip on my wrist tightened until I was standing straight up. It was so painful to do so but I knew he wouldn't let me go until I did what he wanted.

"Ugh you're disgusting, get out of my sight"

He pushed me away and I attempted to run to my room I ended up limping the whole way there.

After a painful hour and a half of stitching up my wound and cleaning up the blood and broken glass in the kitchen I decided that a walk through Riverdale Park would make me feel better as it always did. I put on my (F/C) hoodie and converse and sneaked out the back door while my father was asleep on the couch. (Btw Riverdale is my favorite show)

The park was near the woods and it always seemed to comfort me even in the most awful days.

The pins from the pine trees above are crunching underneath my feet every step I take made me weaker. After an exchanging of harsh words and aggressive hits between me and my father, I go take a walk in the park. I walk around the big pond several times. The moon casted it's reflection in the rippling water. There was no wind. It was not cold. It was rather warm and comfortable.

My legs were tired and achy from walking so I took a break on the bench and watched the fish in the pond swim around.

I rolled up my hoodie sleeve and looked down at my wrist where my father had grabbed me, wincing at the pain that spread throughout my whole arm. Sure enough my wrist was bruised. Dark reds and purples colored my aching wrist. I signed pulling down my sleeve once again.

The woods neared the park only inches away. I fixed my gaze into its never ending darkness. I felt the feeling of dread wash over me like a wave at the ocean. It just hit me and stopped me dead in my tracks. I quickly turned away looking at the grass on the ground instead. That's when I heard a few taps.

No no not taps, more like drips. The sounds of dripping water echoed through the park but was surly coming from the woods. I squinted into the darkness between the trees but no matter how hard I tried, I could not see a thing.

My gut was telling me not to go in but my curiosity got the better of me. I stood up and began to make my way over to the entrance of the woods. The silence was overwhelming me and very step, leaves and dirt crunched under my feet was deafening.

The dripping got louder the closer I got to the two tall trees the seemed to be the entrance to the woods.

I felt colder when I walked right in between the trees and into the dark woods. I followed the dripping for about twenty minutes when I could faintly hear breathing. It was close.


I stupidly called out to nobody. I felt silly knowing that whoever was out there obviously wasn't going to reply. I heard the sounds of a little creak nearby and the dripping sounds were definitely near there. The trees allowed an opining to where the moon brightly shined though. I found the creak. I sighed a relief felling satisfied that I didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

The creak was near a big tree and had a few rocks around it. It was honestly calming and made me feel at ease. I soon forgot about why I came out here in the first place and sat against the tree listening to the creak and other night sounds. I closed my eyes and was about to drift off to sleep when I heard the faint drips once again.

Startled, my eyes flashed open. I looked all around me looking for the source of the sound before realizing there was spots of red on the rock right next to me. My heart nearly skipped a beat when I noticed it was blood. My eyes grew wide with fear.

I slowly looked up and hanging from the tree branch up above me was something that will forever be burned into my memory.

It was a boy. He hung upside down. He was drenched in water but oddly the water wasn't the dripping I heard. His feet were tied to the branch. He had blond hair and a green outfit. Blood poured out of his red blood shot eyes and a look of pure amusement plastered on his face.

"Holy shhhh"

Was the last thing I said before running as fast as my useless little legs could take me. I thought I had gotten lost but there was the opening I had entered through and there was the park up ahead. I smiled and felt relieved when I saw the glow of the street lights coming from all around the park. When I reached the end of the woods I stopped a the edge of the pond  where I had once been and collapsed to my knees looking back.

To my surprise there was nobody there. But that surly didn't stop me. I ran away from that park.

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