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Seeing those two happy together makes my heart clench. Why couldn't it have just been me? Why did he have to make such false hope? He knows what i'm going through and yet he continued playing that stupid pity game!

I ran, turning my back on them. It hurts seeing them like that. I can't take it. Its too soon. I don't want to see them happy, knowing that i, myself is left here, feeling depressed.

I could hear ross coming after me, shouting my name but i kept on running. It hurts, damn it!

Just as I was about to take a left turn, someone grabbed my wrist and turned me around so that person was now hugging me. That person just happens to be Ross and my head happened to be on his chest because he was much taller than me.

"Let go of me! Let go Ross, i want to be alone right now!" I screamed for him to let go, and i struggled to get out of his grip but he was too strong. He said encouraging words for mw to stop crying, but i can't. It hurts seeing Lucas with someone else.

After a while, I inhaled deeply and exhaled very slowly. I calmed my breathing and forced my tears to stop flowing. Finally, Ross let go of me and stared at me straight in the eye.

"Why did you come after me? Why, Ross?" I asked, my jaw clenched. He looked taken aback with my question but he quickly composed himself.

"Because you're my date today right? I can't just leave a pretty lade such as yourself alone crying. That would make me look like a bastard" He said casually.

"Why do you even care? You don't know me. You don't even know what i'm going through! Hell, you just met me yesterday! Why are trying so hard to make things right for me? Why are you helping me? It doesn't make any sense!" By now i was slamming my fist on his toned chest. "You say thing like 'beautiful' or 'pretty' to me without even clarifying anything! What, are you gonna give me false hope too? Huh?! Just like what he did?! Are you gonna try and get close enough to me then suddenly ditch me like they did? Are you gonna ask me to be your girlfriend but end up two timing me? Then what? You're gonna apologise like nothing happened then move on while i'm right here, watching you from the sidelines looking happy? Well if you are then save me the time and trouble and take a hike! I'm done! I don't want to go through that again!" I shouted. I don't care if people are starting to stare, they should fuck off and mind their own business. I stopped hitting Ross and just let my hands fall limp at my sides. I'm tired and hurt. I just wish everything was just a dream. After a while, Ross was still standing there. I was curious as to why he was still here after all that rant. I thought he would've run for it and save himself from the embarrassment. I looked up and saw Ross' face. It was blank. I can't read his expression.

Suddenly, he hugged me so tight that it took me by surprise.

"Why?" I asked, my voice once again quavering.

"I don't really know myself, Nic. All i know is, it was love at first sight. The moment i saw you crying, i felt like i needed to stop those tears from flowing. I'm not sure of how i feel, but i am sure that i won't ever do any of the things you just said. I like you. I want to get to know you and i want to be part of your life. I won't give you false hope. Nicole, will you please let me be part of your life? Please let me help you. I want to help you. And it might sound strange because i only just met you yesterday, but i know i like you. I really like you, Nicole" He said, gazing at me with those pleading eyes. I sighed and thought for a moment.

"Ross, it'll look like you're asking to be my rebound to get over Lucas" i said, eyeing him. His eyes grew wide as he cleared his throat.

"No, what i meant is, it'll take time for you to move on but i want to be there when you do so i can replace him. For the mean time, we could stay friends?"

"I just have one important question"

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Will You Stay with Me?" I asked, looking at him hopefully.

"Of course. No matter what"

Will You Stay with Me? (A Ross Lynch FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now