The metting and the thrill of battle

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I jumped out of my bed to a loud boom outside my window. I walked over to it to see what was going on. I started to see a blob in the sky. Wait never mind That's no blob it kinda looks like people standing on what looks to be string.....     
Wait!!! What the heck!!!
How is that physically possible. I got to go see this for myself.

                    3 hours earlier
At the night raid base

"Alright everyone now that we're all here we got a job to do. There is a local drug dealer that sells drugs to women and stalked them so he can rape them afterwords. He's staying in the local Inn here in the capital with the room number 626 go there an take him out"
" right"
*back to the present*

I ran next door to number 626 to see if they was ok. Of course I brought my weapons just in case If I need them. I knocked on the door and a guy answered. "Hello"he said with a creepy smile. " hello I came to see if you were ok."
"What a nice girl, would you like to come inside and talk about it."
"Sure" I walked inside and set on his red sofa. " would you like some tea."
" Um no thank you, I don't want to be a bother" " oh, no no your no problem at all." "Oh well ok then." I said but the weird thing is he smiled really wide once I said that, but I can't really judge him considering how we just met.
" here you go enjoy it it's really good take my word for it." " alright" I took the cup from him starting to lead it towards my mouth, but before I could even take a sip the window broke and someone jumped inside the room. " I wouldn't drink that if I were you" "huh" It was a girls voice, I saw a outline of something yellow so I guessed she had blonde hair. " Now if you don't mind I got a guy to kill." She said. " get away from me." The man screamed " get away from me." He screamed agin. I decided to take matters into my own hands and step in front of him before she could do anything. I took out my weapons from my sheath and pointed it at her. "seriously your going to protect someone who tried to drug you." " what are you talking about." " I'm talking about the so called tea that the guy tried to give you. He put a kind of drug in it which would make you loopy so he could rape you afterwards." " I don't believe you." "Well if you don't let me kill the guy, then I guess we're going to have to fight for him." I nodded. I put my weapons more in front me to were she could see them. " An imperial arms huh, this is going to be fun." "Hey Leone are you done yet." It was a boy this time he had brown hair and green eyes he looked to be 16 or 17 he was wearing a cream colored sweater over a white t- shirt and some blue jeans. "Nope I'm kinda in the middle of something here." "I see that, do you need some help." "Naw I got the girl you can go kill that guy over there for me, consider it a practice run." " no, I won't let you kill this man." "And why not." "Because he didn't do anything wrong." "Oh well I'd think u see differently once you see this." She started to move the couch that I was sitting on moments before where there was a hole with a latter going down. It was clear that he had been here for awhile. " Go ahead see for yourself " "fine" I said and started to climb down the latter to see what they wanted me to see , and what I saw was gruesome. There were bodies of naked women as well as a small lab were little pill like tablets were being made. " how could anyone be so cruel." "So now do you believe me." " yea" I said with my bangs covering my eyes from view. I wasn't just sickened by the fact that man did this but also to the fact I almost trusted him. I could have ended up as one of these girls. "I believe you but I still won't let you kill him. " Are you kidding me your still defending hi—" "No I'm not defending him, I'm going to kill him." I stated surprising the girl presumably being Leone and the boy.
No one should have to go threw what that man did to those women. I'm going to get revenge for them so their souls can rest peacefully. I jumped out of the hole in the floor and jumped to the man I shot him then I decapitated him. He deserved it anyway.

Leone's POV

Damn this girl has some guts. She shot him without hesitation and even decapitated him afterward.

Tatsumi's pov

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. She killed him with no remorse at all. There was not a single trace of sympathy anywhere.

Emi's POV
" wow , you got spunk kid I like you. What do you think Tatsumi should we keep her." "I think we should, the boss and the others might like her." " alright then it's official" she said picking me up . " your gonna be a part of night raid." "Huh!!!!!!" She picked me up put me over her shoulder and jumped out of the window. The boy presumably Tatsumi followed soon after. " So who did you bring this time, I swear if it's another annoying boy I will literally shoot you." A girl with long pink pigtails said. " Nope its a girl this time" Leone said. " Yes!! Another cute girl." A boy with green hair said." " hey I didn't agree to this let me go." " nope I already made up my mind and I'm not going back, hey lubbock you wanna hold her for me I don't feel like carrying her." " I can walk myself " screamed. "Sure the green haired boy said and took me from Leone's arms. "You guys are now ignoring me aren't you," but my statement went unheard. As they jumped from the wire and took me with them.

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