I am finally going to edit this book!!!!

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For all those who've read this book before  welcome back. For all the new comers welcome. It has been about two years since I started this book (I think) and as I look through I realize how terrible this book is, I've made simple mistakes with spelling and grammar and so I've decided to come back and edit this book.

All rereaders are probably saying it's about time, and I agree.

Now please be patient with me as I edit this, I have the second book going on so that is my main priority, as well as school work so editing old chapters isn't going to be very frequent but it's something.

Now for all those who are already on the second book, you don't have to read this book again. I repeat you do not have to read this book again. The only difference will be the styling of my writing will be more like the second book and spelling and grammar mistakes. I am not adding anything new nor am I deleting anything old. So if you don't want to it is unnecessary for you to reread this book.

Now newcomers I speak to you, this will not affect where you are up to in my book, unless you want to read better quality chapters then by all means you can read those but as I said earlier this isn't my main priority meaning if you're waiting for edited chapters it will take a while. Yet the decision is yours.

I think that sums everything up. Yup, that pretty much does it.

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