Chapter I

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(February 2018)

I still remember like it was yesterday, the day I let go of my best friend.

(November 2017)

"Hey, it's me, Jamie, we need to talk." I'm about to start a new project and things are getting to me, it's so hard to see everything that's been happening lately. She's probably busy right now so I don't expect her to return my call anytime soon.

The rest of the cast and I have just arrived on set when I feel my phone vibrate. I excuse myself and see it's Dakota calling. "Hey."

"I'm sorry I couldn't pick up early, I was at a concert."

"Right, with the other guy."

"Not the other guy, Chris."

"He's the other guy. Why are you acting all defensive?"

"I'm not acting defensive, you're acting childish. He's an actual great guy."

"So, he's the great guy now? I used to be a great guy."

"You're right, and you used to be the guy I'd do about everything for, I'd travel around the world to spend one single night with you. You're still that guy, I'm just not the same, you broke my heart, multiple times, yet I still love you as much as I did before. You, above all, should know that."

"You did travel to Argentina for a concert, actually, two concerts, and now you're travelling with him."

"Seriously Jamie, you wanna play that game? Do you wanna talk about what I had to go through because of you and your so-called marriage? I know it sucks but it's not my fault that we're in this position."

"I can't keep doing this."

"What are you saying?"

"I love you like I've never loved anyone before, and I need you to know this but I can't keep this up. I can't make you happy and that hurts more than anything in this world, and it's only the right thing to let you go. That's how much I love you, I want to see you happy and free, and I can't give you that."

"So that's it? You love me that much? You'd rather let go of me than fight for me? Fight for us?"

"You said it best, I've hurt you, I've been stupid but I'll never stop loving you. I just can't do this. I hope you can find someone that makes you happy and gives you everything you deserve."

"I had hopes that that person would be you but now I'm sure you're not. I don't regret what we had, or what we went through but your true colors are finally showing. I'd always put you above anyone else, but that's something you never did."

"Hold up, you're not putting the blame on me. I've done things for you that I'd never do for anyone else."

"You're right, the problem is that those things were both good and bad. Look Jamie, things haven't been looking up for us, I get what you're saying. It hurts, I'm not ready to let go but if you are I don't have the strength to fight for this by myself."

"I have to go, I'm done here, I'm sure the great guy is waiting for you and I don't wanna take too much of your time."

"We're both done here. I'm not sure I'll be able to see your face anytime soon but I hope I can keep in touch with the girls. Oh and Jamie, you're an asshole."

I try to answer her but she's too fast at ending the call. I'm left with the feeling of regret but I had to do it. I love her but all this PR circus is too much for me and for her, I can't keep her to myself if I can't even be hers. I can't be seen out with her at a concert, I can't even go out with her as a friend. But I love her, I really do and it hurts to know that I can't give her what she deserves. I decide to text her before going to set: "I'll always love you, please don't ever forget that".


What a past couple of days! Bare with me on this one, I have a soft spot for Damie in my heart but I also love drama and this is only the beginning. I hope you enjoy this little intro. :) Trust me on this one, more to come soon!

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