Part 4: Hey Mickey

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The drive was long and continuous. As Agafe drove, Robin and Jude slept in the back seat. Jude was laying across the seats which was wide enough to hold them both laying straight across, and he kept his arm under her head like a pillow.

Agafe had this screen up in the dashboard like a built in GPS, but he would switch to this screen with names. He was looking for some place to put Robin and Jude. He found one that he knew was safe. Just 6 more hours and they'll be safe.


3 years, Robin and Jude has lived with Mickey... not who Robin expected when she first met Mickey. Mickey was not a man, but a woman. Mickey was laid back with her hair in a ponytail with streaks of hair hanging on both sides of her face. She had a pretty big house so she kept Jude on one side of the house and Robin on the other. Her room was upstairs.

Mickey may have had a laid back personality but she worked hard in her house that was nice and clean, and she gave Jude and Robin some work to do. Robin helped chop wood, a job Mickey knew she had experience with and she made Jude clean the yard carrying scraps and stuff or raking leaves off the dead grass of November.

Jude would watch Robin cut the wood, she wouldn't wear a jacket because she got hot very easily, but Jude admired the muscle in her arms, the type of muscle that made him question if he even had any. His face turned red with embarrassment for thinking about that.

When Robin was done chopping the wood, she would help Mickey with food in the kitchen. After growing up with a man, she figured someone had to learn how to really cook. Mickey left in her jeep to the city every other day to do other work. "Hey Robin, I heard you've never been to a city before." Robin twisted her mouth to the side and put the knife she was cutting with down, wanting to give Mickey her full attention. "I've been to a city before, once when I was 4." Mickey smiled at Robin and shook heard head. "I want to take you with me next time I go in for work, let you see the city with the eyes of a woman and not the eyes of a child."

"That sounds great, but what about Jude."

"He's a nice strong boy, he can keep the house in shape for a day." Robin twisted her mouth to the side but nodded her head. "Yea. That sounds cool."


Robin got up to the loud alarm of a clock and not the warm sunrise. It was still dark out, 5 a.m. and she got dressed in black jeans, white t-shirt and a plaid jacket, with a black hood, and wearing a nice pair of black trainers that Mickey gave her.

She left her room to go to the kitchen for breakfast and saw Mickey was already up making eggs. So Robin went to the fridge and grabbed the Orange juice and two cups from the covert. "Morning, you tired?" Mickey asked flipping the eggs over. "No, I'm used to waking up early. Grant it this was more than an hour earlier than my usual schedule but you said that you needed to be at your job by 7 o'clock."

Mickey smiled and placed down a plate with an omelet on it, and Robin handed her a cup of Orange juice. They finished their breakfast and headed out to the jeep having to check if the cover was fastened the right way that wind doesn't get in the jeep. They drove out of the long drive way from her lonely house and onto a road, headed for the city.


There was one thing about the city Robin never remembered. The city was cold, it didn't really bother her but she knew it was cold, she felt the impact of it for a second before her body heat over powered it. They walked about five blocks till they got to this tall building with lots of Windows. It looked like every other building around here, but it had a tan outline instead of black. Mickey tucked Robin's hair into her jacket and pulled the hood up, "Put your sunglasses on." Robin did as she said.

"Why with all the cover?" She asked. "There are only cameras in the front lobby and elevator, don't want your face on anything." Mickey turned to walk in and Robin followed. She flashed her ID to the lady at the front desk and she waved them on. "Good Morning Miss Grace." The lady said to Mickey. Mickey Grace, kind of has a nice ring to it. They got into the elevator and Mickey pushed the 29th floor, right below the top floor.

When they exited the elevator, they headed down an isle of walls with people at desks, some talking, some at a corner drinking coffee.

"Morning Miss Grace."

"Morning Miss Grace."

"Morning Miss Grace." People one after another greeted Mickey, she seemed to be very important. They walked through a door like a private office with windows to see out at the other people. Robin pulled her hood down and dragged her long raven hair out of her jacket, then took her sunglasses off.

A young man came in, an intern, maybe 25 or so. "Morning Miss Grace, anything you need?" He looked over at Robin and slowly smiled. "Yes, I'm going to be busy the next few hours, can you show Robin here around." He jerked his head towards Mickey like he forgot what he asked her. "It would be my honor." Mickey looked up from a paper she was writing on and gave Robin a reassuring smile. "Show her around the office and then around the city, don't be surprised about her reactions, she's a country girl. Robin, please remember the rule for in the elevator." The intern nodded and so did Robin. "Well I guess we should go then." He said lifting his arm towards the door. "I guess." She answered.

Robin stepped out of the door and realised that the windows to Mickey's office was tinted in a way allowing Mickey to see out but not others to see in. People from their little walled in offices stood up and stared at her. "Don't worry about the wandering eyes, we've just never seen someone like you." Robin realised she was gawking back. The intern was leaning over Robin shoulder... the best he could at least. She was a couple inches taller than him. "Hi, I'm Davis." Robin shook his hand. "Robin... wh-what do you mean they've never seen someone like me?" He looked her up and down. "Tall, beautiful, and exotic." Robin tilted her head. "Exotic?" He chuckled. "You're taller than the average person for one and two your brown eyes have a level of red in them that are both stunning and fascinating." Robin slowly nodded and turned back to look at the large number of eyes.

"Here, let me introduce you to someone. Miss?" Robin looked at him with a look. "Mickey... I mean Miss Grace and I both told you my name." "Yes, but to be formal, what is your last name?" "Bailey." "Robin Bailey. Miss Bailey. Nice." Robin sort of scowled but all Davis did was smile and pat her shoulder. Then guided her over to a small wall office in the middle.

"Tracey, this is Miss Bailey. Miss Bailey, Tracey." Tracey looked up from her typing and smiled. "Hello, Miss Bailey."

"Robin, please." She waved her hands in front of her with a sweet grin. "Is this guy bothering you?" Yes. "No. M-Miss Grace asked him to show me around."

"Oh, are you a new intern?"

"No, just visiting the city with Miss Grace."

"Oooh, country girl huh?"

"Sort of." Robin thought of what Joshua must be doing, what he might be going through. "Well be careful with this guy, he has a thing for little girls." Davis looked at Tracey stunned. "Hey, I do not have a thing for little girls."

"Or I mean young girls." Tracey corrected herself looking at how much taller Robin was than Davis. Robin was laughing watching these two fight and tease each other. "How old are you, like 22?" asked Tracey. "19."

"Ohhh, then you're definitely young. Davis here is 28." Davis's ears turned red and he scratched the back of his head. He might have seemed to be smitten with Robin, but it was obvious he liked Tracey. "Well, I guess I should show you around the city." Said Davis, with his hand guiding her to the elevator. "Good luck Robin, don't let the city scare you." Robin smiled and waved at her. "Oh, use that smile when you go shopping and the cashier is a guy, dimples are adorable." Robin kept smiling and nodded. Robin was getting a little tired of talking about how she looks. She slid her sunglasses on then tucked her hair into her hood and stepped into the elevator, "Well let's go check out the city."

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