A New Friend

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     "WAKE UP BILBO!!!!!!!" Said Belladonna. "IT'S TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL!!!!"
Bilbo dreaded this day, and he was very tempted to actually walk to Crickhollow.
"Why, oh why!?" Groaned Bilbo. His mother walked into his room and said, "Come on, Bilbo! It's your very first day of school!" She said in an excited voice.
"Remind me again why I have to go?" Bilbo asked.
"Because, you have to," his mother said sarcastically.
     "Okay," He said tiredly. So he got up, and when he looked at the time, it was 5:35, and he said,"What?! Mum, it is 5:35, IN THE MORNING!!!!!" "I know. School starts at 8:15." Said his mother.
     He groaned, and he didn't know why, but he got dressed. He wasn't angry(maybe a little), but he was nervous. He didn't know anything about this thing called "school". He makes good friends, but they weren't truly good friends. They wouldn't invite him to stuff as much, and he would be the one inviting people. But, he cares about his parents so much, he didn't want to let them down and make them sad. So, he went to school anyways.
     An hour later he went off. "Oh, Bilbo! Please have fun, pay attention, and......well,  and good luck," advises his mother. "Bilbo, have fun, my son," said his father. And so, they send him off to school.
Bilbo has to walk some way away not to far from Hobbiton. As he walked, he saw other hobbits walking his direction, but staring at him weirdly. He kept looking forward tried not looking at the hobbits. The time to get there was about 35 minutes away from his warm, comfy, and homey hobbit hole.
Once he got to the school, he was amazed. It was a huge hill filled with little hobbit holes inside of it. He thought that these holes were the classrooms. He was absolutely amazed.
"Wow!" He exclaimed. He didn't know where he was going, so he got up his courage and asked the two hobbits that he saw on the way to school. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but can you please show me where the hole where we learn history?" He asked. The male hobbit said in a rude voice,"Yeah, I know where it is, but try asking someone who cares." The other male hobbit laughed as hard as he could with the other male hobbit that talked to Bilbo.
Bilbo wanted to do something, but didn't know what. So, he just walked away throwing them a nasty glare that he thought would scare them. They just kept laughing and didn't notice the glare. "Idiots," He said under his breath.
He decided to ask a teacher once he got there. He was looking at the hill when he bumped into something.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," He said, when he realized it was a female hobbit. He realized he knocked out all of her books. When he looked up, she looked like she saw a ghost. But despite that look, he looked at her appearance.
She had brown, curly hair, soft, brown eyes, and fair skin.
"Oh, no! Not the books!" She exclaimed. (By this, he could tell that she loved books, and he smiled at this.) "Oh, no please don't be sorry, sir."
"Please, let me help you pick them up," Bilbo said. He helped with the books, and carried a few for her.
"Thank you, um, I never quite got your name,"she asked,"My name is Lucille Angelia Parker Rose."
Bilbo was a little shocked by the long name and said,"Bilbo Baggins, and no offense, but that's a very long name. But still, very interesting."
"Thank you, Mr. Bilbo. So, are you new here, too?" She asked.
"'Too?' So, I'm not the only one that is new here?" Asked Bilbo.
"Well, that answers my question. So, what do you have first, Mr. Bilbo?" Lucille asked.
"First off, please, call me Bilbo. Well, I have history first, but I can't find my way to the class. I do hope that these classes are close together. First history, then language, math, astronomy, then, thank goodness, home. And I guess his is one good hint about school, I get to chose two classes that would be an extra for me. I know how to play the fiddle, and I heard that there is a band of some kind here." Explained Bilbo.
"Well, if you chose the fiddle, then we'll both have the same classes. Unless you only want one band." Said Lucille.
"There's two? In that case, sure!" Said Bilbo.
Lucille giggled before saying, "Hold on there Bilbo, you need to go put that into your schedule. Even though I'm new here, I came here to see the place and get my way around it, so in know where to find the main hole. Come on." Lucille said.
"Thank you very much, Lucille," aid Bilbo. Then Lucille stopped and looked at Bilbo and studied him before saying, "Please, call me Lucy."

I know that this story is going to have a school, and regular school problems, and etc., but, it's the first thing that popped into my head. If you liked it......THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! GO NERDS!!!!!!! (HUFFLEPUFF RULES!!!!!)!!!!!!

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