Chapter 12

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The science book in front of me were untouched. My body is here but my mind is somewhere and I don't even know where it goes. I couldn't even focus on a thing that was in the book although the exam is around the corner. I kept thinking about some ideas for a new song. Appaently, my dad asked me to write a song for a survival show which is 'The Unit'. For me, survival shows just like this is a loss. Even if you win the show, the group that were formed is temporary and the one who failed will get eliminated.

I closed the book on the table and get ready to g to my studio. I called my chauffeur to pick me up in 10 minutes while I'm changing my clothes to a proper and hopefully doesn't attract any attention.

"Where are you going?" A voice greeted me as soon as I stepped out of my room.

"To my studio"

Gladly, Jihyo didn't ask any further. I don't want her to say Yoongi's name. Ohh.. I forgot that she didn't know that I saw her dating with Yoongi in the park. Our conversations also getting shorter and shorter day by day. We are drifting apart after that night and it getting worse after Yoongi was involved in my life. I hope our parents didn't know about this until the contract was done. It hurts seeing the one you love with someone else that doesn't deserve them.

Exactly in 10 minutes, the chauffeur picked me up at our house and brought me to the company. Usually one of us will started the chit chat but I guess that the chauffeur sensed my mood,he didn't talk to me at all. One of the things that I liked 'bout him is he know when to talk and when to keep quiet. He know that I'm the type who keeps quiet when I'm not in the mood. Well, who doesn't know you if someone already spent a few years with us?

The fact that my studio is located opposite to Yoongi's isn't helping either. I scoffed and stepped into my studio. All of my works such as music sheets,music mixer and a guitar were placed here. I wanted to buy a piano and put it here but the space is insufficient. I thought it's better to put the piano in our house though.

I cracked my knuckles and stretched my body before getting into my works.

"Let's get the work done!"


Transferring file to pendrive...



I fist bumped into the air after a few hours composing the song. My back is really hurt sitting for a few hours in additional I haven't eat too. Since my dad is in the office, I feel like I wanted to visit him and passed this song to him. His office were located at the top of the building. It would be a pain in the ass if the elevator broke down.

'Knock Knock'

"Come in!"

I peeked inside and saw my dad typing something in his computer.

"Ohh.. ___, what brings you here?"

"I just wanted to visit you and give you this" I reached the pendrive in my pocket and give it to my dad.

"Aigoo, why are you making this so fast? You need to study first ___. This song could wait."

"I'd rather write songs than studying appa" I whined and my dad just chuckled. Then, I decided to leave and rest at home. I passed by my studio and checked if I already switched off the lights and sound system. The lights in Yoongi's studio seems switched on which means that he's in there.

His figure were obvious because of the shadow but in front of him there was another figure. I think the other one is a girl sincethe figure is feminine. I went closer to take a look and I was right, Yoongi is with another girl. As far as I could remember,she's one of our trainees. They are being flirty to each other as I saw that they are hugging. The anger inside me is increasing as the girl kissed Yoongi on the cheek and he enjoyed it.

Without knocking the door, I went into his studio.

"Enjoy cheating my fiance huh?" I pushed him to the table and his back hitted it. He groaned but later chuckled.

"Jihyo is nothing compared to my 'new' girlfriend ___."

I gritted my teeth in anger and threw punch towards him. He dodged and attacked me in the gut and face. His 'girlfriend' already leave as soon as we started to fight. The luck wasn't on my side today as Yoongi beated me up until my stomach were covered by bruises and my nose were bleeding when I got home.

I didn't called my chauffeur but I hailed a cab to go home. My chauffeur don't need to know what happened,if he knew I would be a dead meat.


"What happened to your face!?"

Again. My blood is boiling as I remembered what happened at the studio. This woman need to learn when to keep quiet before I'm getting mad.

"None of your business" I spoke to her coldly. It may be her business but I'll try to keep her away from getting involved. I don't want her to be heartbroken that Yoongi is cheating on her with one of our trainees. Jihyo's ten times better than that girl anyway.

"Lee ___!! I'm talking to you right now!" Jihyo grabbed my hand and turned me around before I could reached my room.

"Fine! You wanna know right!? Your useless boyfriend or should I say Yoongi is cheating on you!! Ohh..and he made me like this if you need to know!"


"No, he won't do that..besides,why are you interfering my life!? There's no prohibition in dating in our contract!" Jihyo started to raise her voice. I flinched at her voice. Her voice reminded me when I was younger and my parents were really strict. They keep finding my mistakes and cursed me for that.

My body were frozen and I couldn't move. I looked up slowly to Jihyo.

"Yeah..there's no prohibition.."

"___..I-I didn't mean to..I'm sorry-" Jihyo's gaze were softened after she saw my eyes were fighting not to cry in front of her.

My tears dropped one by one and I ran to my room. Why I feel so weak in front of her? I never cried about someone before. My heart felt like being stabbed from the back and even in the front repeatedly. Jihyo called out my name but I ignored it.

I locked myself in my room and cried. My breathing getting harder as the time passed by. The phone in my pocket were reached. I couldn't see properly bt my fingers tapped the phone and called the first person in my call log.


My vision blacked out after the person at the other line picked up my call.


Ohh...the drama is here.. So,who do you think the person on the other line? What happened to the OC? How about Jihyo? Will she believes that Yoongi is cheating? Stay tuned for the next chapter~

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