Chapter 2

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Lizzie was on her way home scared and also stupid for being caught by that man who looked familiar to her and she doesn't know why. " Lizzie! We were worried sick about you!" Lizzie didn't care right now, " mom, did you know that someone came to this island today?"

Her mother looked at her weirdly, "no, I didn't know, love. Should I go tell the tribe to go check it out?"

She shook her head and even though she knows her mother will do it after she told her no. "No, it's fine if we leave them be were be ok." Her mother nodded understanding and left her be.

Lizzie left to go find Annie, she saw her with those men.

"So, let me get this straight, your friend abandoned you in the forest."

Lizzie giggled just a bit and called for her friend red-haired friend.

"Annie!" She called out, "Elizabeth! How dare you leave me all alone in a forrest where I can be eaten by a bear!"

"What happened to Lizzie. Plus there's no bears here, if there was which there's not. We were going to hunt it."

"Well, you show off your climbing skills. Trying to get me a coconut and almost dropping it on my head."

Lizzie smiles smugly, because showing off is what she does best.


"Well, look at the view here, isn't beautiful?"

John stands next to Annie, while Jack stands next to Lizzie.

"Shut it, Billy."

Lizzie whispered lowly only for Annie to hear, she laughed so hard she was rolling down the hill.

The boys were starting to worry, but Lizzie said, "it's the fun way down." Lizzie is running towards the lake down below. She jumps and Annie goes down screaming with fun. The boys jump down into the water as well trying to catch up to them.

"We will have to put you guys into shape. If you want us to show you the way back." Lizzie tells them, not wanting to go back for many reasons.

Well here's chapter 2 can't wait for more terrible chapters. Please comment your opion on this story. Please tell me I'm the worst author ever. Thanks hope you enjoyed the story. Lots of love.

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