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Thinking about sneaking in his room million times, I ended up deciding it was a bad idea. I was aware of the danger of going against him. I haven't seen a human in him, not a bit of humanity. I looked at the house, it wasn't very huge. Though people used to call it a mansion but it was a normal fancy house. Aiden never wanted to live in a huge house when there was only him for the large building. There was a huge garden in the front yard, in the middle of which was a road leading to the house. The house was whole surrounded with wooden fences and two guards on duty all the time. The house itself was all closed; upon entrance we had a big lounge: fancy, on the left side we have a narrow alley. In the end of the alley was my room. So whenever he would enter the house, he can totally get my room in few steps.

I hadn't eaten anything since I have signed the marriage papers. My stomach kept groaning and my head had started to swirl. Since he wasn't in the house, I can at least have something to eat. I, in fear, stride in the kitchen and looked for food. There was nothing much to eat except for some cereals, which I never had tested because me and papa used to cook our own breakfast, lunch and dinner. There was this one apple lying hopelessly on the counter. I don't know if it was for him because it will be a disaster if I eat it and then he tells me that he intended to eat it. But I was starving and all the stress has lately made me to crave food more then ever. I'm actually the kind of girl who in stress eats more and more. But one apple can't make him that mad right? I held it in my hand and bit it. The first bite was so pleasant that my tongue cherished the sweet taste of it and I smiled, slowly a tear falling of my eyes. I was about to take a second bite when the door slammed open. My heart jumped into my gut in terror, dropping the apple on the floor, I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

I shivered when I heard his voice
"Here, cook me something, that's what you are here for." His voice was harsh and commanding, luckily, he had decided not to enter the kitchen.

It didn't take me longer to decide what I was going to cook. You know when we are growing up our parents tells us no matter what you do you have to win your husbands heart, it doesn't applies for everyone. but just some people like us, who are living in expense of others. I, however, felt humiliated to try anything to win his heart. He had rejected me straight, and not just that but he had has also proven me that he has no humanity in him. he was just a handsome face. But I anyway cooked him mince and potatoes, som tam, Braised Leeks with Mozzarella and Fried Eggs. I, very elegantly set the whole food and dishes before him on the small table between his couch and the Tv. Every time I see him, I shivered. He jumped straight from his laying position and sniffed the food.

"You must be a cook before getting lucky and marrying me." he rolled his eyes and hardly raised them to look at me. According to him, by marrying him I got lucky, I thought otherwise. For a guy who just turned twenty he was acting like a 2 year old.

"move." he waved his hand because I was blocking his view to ths TV. "now go back to your room and don't come out until I tell you." his voice fell on my ears, it was beautiful but I shouldn't be thinking like that, no? old habits die hard.

I nodded and started walking towards my room. On my way, I heard him talking to Cybil on phone.

"Cybil, I was thinking maybe you could join me for lunch. I just learned a recipe from YouTube and tried it for you. You are such a lucky girl." I couldn't believe someone can be such a big liar. I grew up learning lying leads you to no good and here he was, lying so easily like it was nothing.

I sat on my bed as I've nothing else to do and soon the door opened and I guessed she has arrived. I hadn't even eaten that Apple. This is how I was taught to act, to do good for people before thinking anything for your own self. But everything I've learned has started to make no sense. Why would I do good to people who meant me harm? I was in this kind of thoughts when I heard someone calling for me. They didn't use my name but all I could hear was Aiden calling me *Gardner's Daughter.* so that was my identity. But I personally didn't mind it because it was an honourable job and my father was a decent guy.

I tracked their way and found them eating the food I had cooked minutes ago. Cybil was perched on the same couch he was sitting.

She lowered her face as I appeared before her sight.

"Clean that." He narrowed his eyes at me, his strong finger pointing at the mess on the floor. She must have spilled it because it was on her side.

She didn't look up. They started eating again, Aiden kept filling her plate. I took the tissue from the tissue box and rubbed the floor with it. I stood straighg holding up the tissue and as I turned around to walk away he added,

"You left a spot." I swirled to look around and found nothing. I raised my eyes and saw him dropping a spoon full on purpose. Cybil, while looking down at her plate, giggled. She was trying to hold back her laughter and honestly speaking, I don't know what was so funny about it. I took another tissue and cleaned the mess, when I began walking away I heard him calling for me again.

"You didn't clean this." As he said that, Cybil burst on laughter.

"Sorry, sorry." She quickly laid her face on his shoulder, hiding her face and mumbling while laughing uncontrollably. Once I cleaned the spot, I didn't walk away, instead It was I who spoke,

"Sir do you want me to clean the dirt from your shoulder as well?" Though my heart was racing inside my chest, I knew the circumstances too but her annoying laugh has pissed me off. I was the type of girl who never went before anyone but this time Cybil wanted to laugh so here, I gave her a chance. I couldn't believe I said it loud, one night had changed something in me.

"What?" Aiden shook his face as he didn't get my point.

"She called me dirt." In spur of moment, Cybil threw the napkin on the table and postured straight.

"No, relax." Aiden tried to hold her by her hand but she shrugged his arm off.

"You called me here so she could insult me?" Cybil muttered, pointing her finger at me.

"Weren't we making fun of her too?" He slowly mumbled, shaking his face. I don't understand this guy. One moment, he is insult me and other moment, he is justifying my action?

"Yes but who gave her a right to insult me? Is this why you called me here?" She yelled, "and you are gonna do nothing about it?" She was very disrespectful to him. My heart was beating fast and my whole body had started to shiver as Aiden stood up, slamming all the dishes off from the table. Cybil and I, we both jumped in fear. He was breathing like a wild animal now.

"Enough, no more shit." He mumbled in his mouth, pointing his finger at Cybil.

"Seriously? You are insulting me in front of her." Her tone was a bit low now.

"Didn't you shrug my hand off in front of her too? I called you here to insult you, what the hell kind of thinking is that?" Aiden was beyond rude, not only with me but I looked at the rage in his eyes for Cybil as well. He was sort of at justice but in his own rude way.

"Aiden?" She whispered, finally reaching up for his hand. His rudeness has no limits, he just wanted everything to go nice for him. If anyone messes up with his peace, he was ready to burn them alive.

"And you," his finger pointed at me, making me jump in terror, "you didn't learn any manners? I told you that you are not allowed to say or do anything without my will, did I or not?" His eyes had turned red of anger. I gulped, taking a step back. "Some people won't learn anything until they taste a bit of a punishment." His words shook the world under my feet.


Hello everyone (lazily waves hand.) I've a flu and the fever is burning my head but I'm still here writing this chapter. Do comment and vote,

Q: what is your fav food?

Q: mango or banana?

Q: Jim Kerry or Jackie Chan?


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