Chapter I

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Your Silence can mean a thousand words. Maybe those words are stuck in your brain forever. Temporary. But the thing too learn is that don't try take those out of you. Those words make you what you are.

I chose my words certainly. Looking after my brother for 15 years on my own, feeding ourselves with a low pension. He was only four months old when my parents suicided. I was only two. Our aunty and uncle were forced to look after us. They hit me, and called me names. But they adored my brother, Troy. I felt envious at times until I turned 16, last year. The year I got my own home. And I grabbed Troy with me.

We are told about a nuclear explosion that hit our world 2 centuries ago. One nation rose up, that the surviviors called New Orleans. Thats when the first settlers arrived and became rich from the gold beneath us.

But the poverty rates were just reaching higher and higher. We were soon an unhappy, unhealthy and starving nation, desperate for food. Thats when they created The Dome. It was a large sphere to make sure that our kind would never leave them. Thousands of people tried to cross the dome, all died. No one has successfully done it.

The government looks up to our people. They call us Soles. Short for Sole Survivors. We are taught that the only living things of our kind are us. They want to keep us safe. I know, that this world is full of lies.

Waking up is hard for me, as I am told I have a non-developed part in my brain that doesn't function properly. It means, my brain "sleeps on". I have too force my brain out of those habits. Out of the body. I can't help it and say"Troy, wake up, time for school" The words slip from my mouth into his ear. He sludges out of bed, dressed in scrap PJ's and cramping to his dresser, and old wooden desk with a half moulded mirror.

"Ugh, why does school have too be today" he slurs, half asleep.

"To learn. School is not supposed to be fun" I reply.

"School is not fun for you, your just saying that to make me want too go to school" he says.

"Troy. Get changed" I say, sternly.


I grab my ragged blouse and skirt and head out the door. The pearl white gleam of the sun staring at my face. Beautiful. My ripped charcoal black touch the muddy, slippery road. I skip too get to the shortcut of school, Louisiana Walkway.

The fresh smell of trees slither up my nose as my shredded navy blue skirt collides with the nearest fence. I stop. The nature swells up around me as I smirk. This is what we are. Growing trees, edging too see the top. As I look to the right, something in the air moves. Its sheds a rainbow light. The Dome. I stare at the streaks of the sun's rays for a while, the move on.


I am now walking to the edge of the walkway, when I see Paige Yan, one of the people who continuesly call me names.

"Hey Rhianon Blanc! Gonna run too the edge of the dome and try to escape to all your other freaks?" She says with her french accent.

"Go back home to your own country" I reply.

She giggles and so I turn around and start turning around, putting one foot above another.

I continue walking as she shoulder bumps me, and I fall over. All her friends start mocking me and laughing at me.

Sometimes, I ignore them, but this is not the time. I grab her collar, and punch her in the face. "Don't laugh at me again, or call me names, or it will happen again" Glaring for a few seconds, I realize I need to make a break for it. I run, and find myself sprinting too my math class, right on time.

As I arrive, Paige comes stuttering in with a bleeding nose and a swollen eye.

"S-sir, sh-she pun-punched me on the w-way on too c-class t-this mor-morning"

"Dr. Pion, she is telling lies! I on-"

"Rhia, is this true? Did you beat Paige?"

"Yes, sir, well no-"

"So you admit you beat her up?"

"Yes sir, but she-"

"Ah Ah Ah, I don't want too hear it. Go home early"

"But sir!"

"No, Rhianone. Go home"

Walking out of the classroom, I can hear Paige's clique start snickering. Someday will be my revenge.


By the end of the afternoon, everything is quiet. No screaming of the children next to us, no barking from the wild dogs. Silence. Troy spots me by the nearest gate.

"Hey, there is our new little karate, ninja girl! Everyone in school is going on about how you wrecked Paige Yan! Oh m-"

"Shut it, Troy"

"Aww, c'mon Rhia, give me a punch!"

I shove him hard.

"Listen you little scum, I have been in a hard situation in school at the moment and I don't need your little voice bothering me! Got the message?"


"GOT IT?" I scream.

"Yeah, okay, no need for the rage.."


I storm off, leaving Troy calling my name. Sometimes, I wish he had gone and stayed with my aunt.

I grab my keys as I unlock our front door. Setting the keys down on the dresser, I throw my informal clothes on the hard wooden floor, and throw myself onto the bed. Troy whimpers at me, and asks for 20 cents too buy a candy bar.


"But why?"

"Its for food, not junk. Besides, we need that pension. Only way too keep us alive"

"Please,just 20 cents!'

I finally give in. "Fine. 20 cents" I say.

He yells and grabs 2 silver coins. I rest my head onto the pillow and fall asleep.

As I wake up, I am now in the school hall, with Paige Yan staring at me. "Hey look!" She screams. "Its Rhianone Blanc! The loser with a soft fist!" she laughs. "Rhianone, going to call your mommy on me? Oh right, you don't have one!" She screeches, as the whole hall laughs. My lips cannot move, nor can my tongue. "How do you spell Rhianone?" She asks. A boy, maybe 16 that I don't recognize before says "R-E-T-A-R-D". The hall bursts try too sob, but I cannot move a thing. My muscles can now slightly tense, as I move my elbow. It works. Throwing my hand at the floor, I grip the nearest pole and steady myself. It feels like I am moving through slow motion. I thrust my fist at Paige, then throw her too the ground. She retaliates, and pulls my hair too the ground. I feel great pain clashing with my head, as I see her with a wicked smile as she starts kicking me in the head.

I gasp, as I am now coated in sweat. The night is tinged with red, as I see Troy outside with a large stick. I can just remember 13 years ago when we were both playing swordfights. I was only 4 when my aunt grabbed me, and pushed me too the ground, hit me with a stick and told me too never do that too my brother. Of course Troy got away, he just slipped into her arm. I was punished by no going outsid

Troy walks in, throws his stick on the ground, and grabs his mattress. He throws himself onto the bed and falls asleep. I shut my eyes, and also instantly falls asleep.

Someone shakes me awake. "Girl! Get up girl!" My eyes open largely. "What?" Its an old man, with stone grey hair, a filthy tomato red jersey and navy blue pants. "Get up, the war is starting!" I see Troy up as well. "Meet me at the Town square and i'll suit you up, alright?" I nod, and so does Troy, as the man walks out. Something urges inside of me. I need his name."Wait! Whats your name?" I ask.

He probably can't hear me.

And then the shouting begins.

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