Chapter II

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The lives of thousands. It spreads through the town like ants attracted to sugar. The firearms, at least 100 of them, break through the streets, arresting protesters and throwing them into prisons. And then I see it. Troy, grabbing the nearest gun, shuts the case down, and aims at the nearest guard coming forward. The guard throws himself onto him, ad Troy shoots him in the chest. The body of the guard goes limp, as 10 more guards somehow come out of no where, then start grabbing his collar and punching him. "No!" I scream, but they are already done. They then grab his arms and arrest him. The face of my brother, the brother who had the most innocent life, now turned into a murder and a prisoner.

More fires are erupting from downtown. Hundreds of corpses lieing on the street, as I take cover from bulletshells. Focus. I look to the left and see flags saying "New Government! Join us! Overthrow New Orleans!". Bullets firing can be heard from a mile away, as I see 3 guards take away a injured soldier, and arresting the protester who shot him.

"Girl! You need more cover than that!" Shouts a croaky voice.

"Where are you?" I answer.

"Over here!" It comes from the right, as I look over and see an old aged man, gesturing for me too come over. I crawl too him slowly.

"My name is Rhal, I am the one who came to-" A bomb can be heard near the houses, and as I look over, millions of cracked stone and wood surround the street, including mine. A part inside me sinks.

"What is this?" I ask.

"This" he uses his hands to make a widespread. "This, my dear girl, is the start of the overthrowing of the Louisiana Government, lead by myself, And Sergeant Yiul. We come to make this place even better if we succeed"

"Like how? What?"

"We will take down the dome and mark new town centres in there, develop a new train system, new banks, shops, everything a poor, homeless person would ask for"

"Your homeless?"

"For 21 years, and still going"

Rhal takes a deep breath. He grabs a gun off the sidewalk and hands it to me. "Meet me at the town walkway. I have an idea" I take the gun as he runs off into the forest. "Crap" I say, under my breath.



After meeting Rhal's direction, I follow the scent of an old musty smell, like the smell in our home. Everything is silent dark, as through the bushes the town square is dead silent.

Two shadows lurk in the dark. Its the shape of an old crippled man and a little boy. Inching closer, they are suddenly gone. All that is left is the dry, salty air that washes pasts my lips.

As more and more guards flood the street, the best idea for me right now is too jump below the bridge and sleep on thr jagged rocks. I swing my knee over the rough wooden surface and cling too the supports. I pull my left leg onto the first rock, then gather myself up and lay there, the fall asleep.

Its a disappointment not having Rhal here to discuss the plan. I am determined too still find him.


Early next morning, I climb back onto the bridge and a swarm of people have gathered up picking up dead corpses, bullet shells, guns and rubbish. I throw myself out of the bushes and go into the public square.

Everyone stares at me for a moment, then continues too work with a few mutters. On the outside, a law enforcement team are looking out for any suspiscous behaviour. One signals me too come over.

"Madam, are you in any relation too Troy Blanc?"

"Yes, he is my brother" I reply.

"Thought so. He has gone too solitary because of the uprising last night"

"Uprising?" Trying too sound surprised. "My brother must have crawled out of the main door"

"Yes, there was an uprising, 132 protesters are in solitary for 10 weeks"

Anger rushes up me. I want too beat him to a pulp, but then I would be put in solitary. So I just nod my head and walk off. 10 weeks in solitary must be excruciating.

When I get too my so called "home", the outside layer of wood has massive holes in it, the roof half gone, and the beds slightly burnt. My dresser is gone, and so is our 1 week food supply, so now I have too wait for my pension in 3 days.

On the bed, a note is left for me. Its strange knowing someones been in my house without permission. I open the letter and it says:

Hello Rhianone, I think thats your name.

My name is Rhal Teque, and I woke you up prior too the uprising.

When I met you outside the square last night, and too come too the walkway, I lied.

I was actually going to go to your home to write this note.

In one week time, grab youe brother and run out of the dome.

If you can find out why, go to the forest everyday at 08:00.

Good luck,


I scrunch up the note and hide it under a piece of wood.

Looking at the old clock, it reads 07:45.

My journey takes me too the forest, as I start walking.


Authors Note:

:ooo Cliff Hanger! Hehe can't wait for the long chapter, this took ageeessss to write.





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