Whats Going On??

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Next Day @ YNs House

Alex- yall wanna go c the boys 2day

Alexis&YN- sure

Alex- wat bout u Joie

Joie- I guess watever it doesnt matter

Y- wat u dnt wanna c Prod

Joie- *sighs* I dont know i feel like he doesnt really like me anymore like hes into someone else 

Alexis- R u sure i dnt really c it

Y- Me either

Alex- idont pay attention to him

Joie- yeah im probly wrong lets just go there anyway

YN- U sure 

Joie- Uh uh 

Alex- ok lets go

---------------------------- ~Arrive @ boys house~


YN: http://www.polyvore.com/goin_over_guys_house/set?id=41398523

Alex- *knocks n Roc answers* Hey babe

Roc- *smiles* Hey * lets them in *studies YN* Wow YN u look beautiful 

YN- umm thnks weres Ray

Roc- *still lookn @ ur outfit* uhh upstairs in his room

YN- thnks *goes upstairs n Rocs still watchin u*

Alex- *snaps finger in rocs face* Hello Earth 2 Roc

Roc- Huh wat?

Alex- Wow seriously?!

Princeton- *Comes from kitchen with Prod* Its ok Alex hes a perv sometims unlike me *runs hand threw hair n winks*

Alex- *Barely realises* Y were u starin so hard?!

Roc- Wat r u tlkn bout?

Alex- Ugh ur so clueless  *goes upstairs*

Roc- Wait! Alex!

Prod- N then there was 4 *smiles @ Alexis*

Alexis- *clears throat* so Prince wat was that whole winking @ Alex thing

Prince- I dnt even knw wat ur tlkn bout

Prod- y u lyn 2 her shes 2 beautiful n smart to be lied to

*Everyones dead silent now*

Joie- *sighs mad loud* Prod can i tlk 2 u upstairs for a sec plz

Prod- Yeah sure y not *leads the wy 2 his bedroom

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