Jealous Bs Happy Xs

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*boys get up*

Justin- Hey YN *moves closer*

YN- *scared moves back n ends up falling* AAHH!

Justin- Let me help u *offers hand*

YN- No i got it *gets up*

Quincy- *smiles @ Joie* So how yall doin i havent seen yall in a while

Alexis- oh well we have boyfriends now so

Joie- wrong yall have boyfriends mine just broke up wit me this morning so im single *smiles @ Quincy*

Quincy- well u wanna skate together n catch up?

Joie- i wud love 2 *grabs hand n they sk8t away*

Justin- YN was that ur so called bf that was yelling @ u a couple mins ago

YN- uuhh yeah

Justin- well if that was me i wud never do that 2 u 

YN- hmm well u wanna sk8t a few laps?

Justin- Yeah *comes into ur personal bubble*

YN- Alex u come 2 *yall skate away*

Alexis- Well im kinda mad @ my bf rite now u wanna skate u knw just as friends

Aaron- ya ill race u

Alexis- Ok 1..2...*starts skating away laughing*

Aaron- *yells 2 her* Wat happened 2 3!

Alexis- *yells bak* I hate that number! *laughs*

Aaron- Come back here!! *goes after her in hysterics*


   ~@ boys table~

Ray- hey do u thnk YNs mad at me for yelllin at her

Prod- I dnt knw hey look over there Joie just bumped into three guys

now the rest of the girls are goin over there 

Prince- Hah YN fell on her butt

Ray- shut up

Roc- yea why u laughn at her would you like it if u fell

Ray- Roc u really workin my nerves rite bout now

Prince- Hey look whos that Joie holdin hands with

Prod- *sighs* i knew she wudnt stay single for long shes way 2 beautiful.

Roc- n now Alex n YN skating with.... wait is that Justin Combs?

Ray- yeah wait a second she said that thats her ex boyfriend y is she wit him?!

Prince- oh look greeaatt now Alexis is all giggly N playin with oh wow thats Aaron Fresh nice

Ray- ok i thnk need to have a little chat wit them come on lets go umm prod i think u shud just stay here u knw no offense

Prod- *sighs* uh huh yeah i get it

*randomly Missing You plays n the guys sk8t over 2 the girls*

Ray- hey YN whos this

YN- oh hey Ray this is Justin my Ex

Justin- who r u?

Ray- Im her bf RayRay

Justin- oh ur the jerk that was yellin @ her earlier

Ray- Xscuse u?

Alex- uh YN i thnk we shud get out the way.

YN- uh yeah lets go

Alex- Alexis!!

Alexis- *stops laughing n looks over*

Alexis- ill call u later Aaron

Aaron- alrite

Alex- ok were gonna go sit wit Prod

Roc- c u in a min

Ray- any way wat were u saying bout calling me a jerk

*Aaron&Quincy come over to see whats happenin*

Justin- well the whole time ive been skating wit YN n Alex they were saying how u guys been actin

Quincy- Yeah n i joie told me that yall friend dumped her for ur girllfriend *points to Princeton*

Aaron- n Alexis told me that yall startin to like different girls xept for u *points 2 Ray*

Ray- how is that any of yalls busness

Quincy- just because we dnt go out anymore doesnt mean that we dnt care bout thm

Aaron- and by what we've been hearing yall really dont deserve them

Ray- who are yall to tell me who i do and dont deserve?!

Justin- N who r u raisin ur voice at?! No body is afraid of you

Ray- please my temper is GONE! im really in the mood to punch someone in the face!

Justin- wat to make u more of a jerk ur gonna hit YN?!

Ray- naw man that ur job!!

Justin- dude thats the old me not the new me!

Ray- oh wat u had a life changing experience that made u change ur actions or did u have a really hard child hood

Justin- actaully yes my mother used to be so crazy n annoying that my dad used to hit her but i actually was glad he did n i thought that its ok to do that too until i realised it actually deeply affected some girls so i dont do it any more im a changed man.

Ray- *clapping* *sarcastically* Man someone give this kid a LifeTime Movie that was heart felt rite there man seriously.

Justin- Dud ur such a loser someone need to teach u lesson

Ray- Oh yeah? Whos gonna teach it 2 me


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