Ch. 2

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I went to my room and slammed my door after the awkward meal, the realization of my predicament hitting home. No, I told myself. I would not go with him I would not. I couldn't leave this place! I didn't want to start senior year at a new school! I had plans with my Kate! Work to do! I wasn't going to throw away my job at the drugstore for some stupid move! 

And what would happen to Tobby? He hated pretty much everyone except for me. I let out a growl of frustration. Moving. Yay. I had already moved twice and it's a pain in the ass. All the boxes, new people with fake smiles, new schedule.

"Aspen!" My dad yelled up to me "It's non negotiable. So don't even try any argument. I'm too tired and I honestly don't care right now. I'll bring boxes up in a few. We're moving to California so pack only what's necessary. Shipping isn't free."

Great. Just great. Not only am I moving away from my mom, my dog, and my friends, I'm moving to the other side of the freaking country.

I looked around my tidy light green room. Books, pictures, medals for various activities. California? Does my father think that Twilight is going to be reenacted with me as Bella? Hell no. First of all, I'm not weak. And second, I don't want some super hot guy with a hella lot of strength. Actually, that wouldn't be too bad. But still!

Calm down, think rationally Aspen, I said to myself, it won't be that bad. New friends that don't know about Diana and my messed up family. A new family. Not so bad, right?

"If you need more, I'll get some for you. I don't know how many you'll need so I brought five to begin with," my dad said as he walked into my room carrying said boxes. I flipped my hair out of my blues eyes.

I looked around my small room. "Thanks" I said stiffly. He must have caught up on my mood because he left.

The next two weeks were tense. I only ended up using three boxes for my room and bathroom combined because 'shipping isn't free'

Sooner than I would care to have admitted, all my boxes were loaded into the moving truck and my suitcase and carry on were in my dad's corvette and it was time to say goodbye.

I waved to my mother who made repeated some unbefitting gestures pertaining to intercourse. I laughed and turned around, looking at the small house I had lived in for the past ten years.

He cleared his throat. "Aspen, we have to leave if we are to catch the plane on time."

My dad pulled my mom aside and I got into the car. It was then that I realized something. Well, heard is more like it.

"Dad" I yelled, "is Tobby coming with us?" as I heard the thumping of our golden retriever's tail and his clamorous complaining.

"Yes!" He called back, finishing his conversation with my mother.

I smiled for the first time after my going away party with my friends.

My dad slid into the car and turned on the ignition. As he put the car in reverse, I waved to Mom.

"We love you Asp!!" ~ Kate Carter. My best friend since we split each others lips after our eyes first me. It was a nasty fight. Bruised ribs, split lips, stitches, etc. Some of the teachers at the school said it was us vying for alpha female but we both knew it was because the other looked too shiny.

We laugh about it now but when we were in detention, the teacher made us tie our shoes together for two weeks and we couldn't untie them or we'd have to triple the remaining time.

A few feet down was another sign

"Have fun in Cali!" ~ Bryan O'Conell

He was my first boyfriend and ended up being my second best friend after he figured out he was gay, and boy did he like to tell everyone he met.

"Good luck on the West Coast!!" ~ Jenny Matthews, my running partner.

This continued all the way to the outskirts of our town. I took a picture of all of them but it was the last one that made me cry.

It was a poster with pictures of everyone. Me eating ice cream with Kate, running with Jenny, writing with Bryan.

I made my dad stop the car. I took a picture of the poster and took it down. I sent the picture to Kate explaining that I wanted to keep it. She told me go ahead to which I said I already did.

My dad yelled at me from the driver's seat. "Aspen! We gotta go!"

I ran back to the car, smiling for the rest of the ride to the airport.

My apprehension quickly built as we neared the airport. I had flown once and it was unbearable. I absolutely hated it. 

Dad must have felt my tension because he told me to relax. We finally boarded the plane and it was all I could do to sit moderately still.

"Stop fidgeting!" My dad hissed. 

I leaned back and counted to ten in ten different languages. I had to concentrate so hard in Swahili that I didn't even notice the plane taking off. We were to stop in Colorado before heading to California. 

After making my dad promise to wake me up when it was time for lunch, I got as comfortable as I could in the restraining seat and promptly fell asleep. 

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