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Jiah get out from Jooheon's car and walks to the buliding in peace with her earphone plugged on both her ears, not until Jooheon catch up with her and holds her shoulder and took off her earphones.

The students are murmured about the famous boy hangs with silent girl. Jiah sighed and moved Jooheon's arms from her shoulder and walks faster.

Jooheon sighed and snapped to the students.

"Stop talking nosense. Mind you business." Jooheon said as he gritted his teeth and start walks to catch up with Jiah again.

Jiah hurriedly walks to the class hoped Jooheon didn't see her rosy cheeks. But that's not used, since Jooheon is also in her class and more sat behind her.

Jooheon get in to the class and put his bag on his table then walks to Jiah's table.

"You should open up more." Jooheon said while tried to find her eyes which is wondering around. Jiah just hummed responsed Jooheon's statement.

Jooheon smiled and stood up then ruffled her hair then walks back to his chair.

M. Y J

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