The First Minutes

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Rain, the soft sound of rain hitting the glass windows of the church lit up the silent church.

The sound was cold, yet very comforting, especially for Nico. The sound calmed his nerves, his shaking, his worry. The male stared at the figure in the mirror before him. The figure looked like him, but it wasn't him. It couldn't be him. The figure was smiling. It was happy. Nico was never happy. The figure was wearing a suit. Nico would never do that, he hates suits. The figure looked healthy. Nico didn't look healthy. Nico stared with disgust at the figure in the mirror. It was a clone of him. It freaked him out. It couldn't be him. He raised his fist and was ready to slam the mirror, but he was stopped.

"Nico?" A soft voice asked. Nico turned his head and gave an fake smile at the male before him. "Oh, it's you, Percy." Nico replied.

Percy looked like the clone in the mirror. He looked happy. He was wearing a suit. He looked healthy. "Are you ready?" He asked before staring at Nico's fist. His smile grew sad.

"Don't look in the mirror. How many times do we need to tell you?" Percy added. His tone was teasing, yet sad. "You know that it isn't good." He said as he turned the mirror so Nico couldn't see himself.

"I know, but I wanted to make sure that I looked good." Niko answered with another fake smile. "It's my marriage after all." He added. He turned to Percy. "How long?" He asked.

"Half an hour." Percy answered and took the bowtie from the small, white table next to him. He carefully slipped it around Nico's neck. "Excited?" He asked as he began to tie the knot.

"Worried." He replied, not even knowing he said it. "Yet excited." He added with a smile. Percy smiled, finished with the bowtie. "You know, Will is a babbling idiot at the moment." He laughed.

Nico burst out laughing. "Really?" He answered. Percy laughed. "Yeah, he had redone his tie already 3 times." He answered. "He can't wait to see you." He added. Nico smiled again. "I can't wait to see him to." He answered before turning to look at the window. Rain was still trailing down.

"Shitty weather, isn't it?" A new voice called. It was Annabeth. "No. It's perfect." Nico quickly answered. Annabeth raised an eyebrow but shrugged it off. "Hades will be here soon." She said. "He is the best Greek God of all, willing to give his son away." She added.

"Jealous?" Percy asked teasingly. He walked closer to his wife, kissing her lips. Annabeth kissed back, but quickly pulled back. "This is Nico's and Wills wedding, don't steal the show." She said. Nico agreed. "It's mine." He said with a laugh. Percy and Annabeth grinned before laughing as well. The three were having a good laugh, until they were stopped.

"Uhum." A deep voice ankwardly coughed. Nico looked up. "Sir." Nico said and bowed, but the owner of the deep voice waved him off. "Nico, I'm your father. You can call me that." Hades, God of the Underworld, said with a small smile. "It's time." He added and Nico nodded. He watched Percy and Annabeth run off before turning to his father, hearing his voice again. "But first, I want to give you something." He said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2017 ⏰

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