Chapter Fifteen

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Audra's POV

I'm crushed. It feels like my world has fallen apart. The man that I was falling in love with took a bullet for me and perished, and the guy that I spent my precious time to forget about is hurt in the gunfire and does but is resuscitated. It feels like my heart has been ripped out and I'm drowning in my tears.

I waited at the hospital with Alex and Dani to see if Danté was going to make it. And sure enough he did. I made him some food and dropped it off to him. He's not slowed to have visitors until tomorrow morning. I'm meeting with the insurance adjuster and then the funeral director before I go and check on Danté. I could be a bitter bitch but I know that he needs someone through this traumatic time. And secretly, I hope that he'll return the favor and comfort me.

Laying on my bed, I clutch Leo's nightshirt he have to me. When we were in a rush, I threw it in my purse. Looking back I'm glad I did. I didn't know that I'd lose him so soon. I have a key to his house but I just can't bring myself to go yet. I know he'd want me to give myself a few days to process everything.

It's pitch black except for the candles I have lot in my room. While the flames flicker and dance, I think about my life in the States.

I always felt different from the other children. Born in some Midwest city, my mom moved to the suburbs of Ohio even though her family is on the east coast. I wasn't particularly pretty, but I sure as hell was smart. Getting into nursing school, I up and left the desolate surrounding of Ohio and thrived in the warm weather of Florida where I met Antonio.

Who knew someone could turn out to be so cruel?! My four sisters and my brother were sad for me to leave but they understood that I needed to live my life and find the happiness that I'd been searching for. Once I was involved my life took off. The iffy Ohio guys were a stark contrast to the flirtatious Florida guys that could handle my sassy and bullheaded nature as well as a curvy body. I also got the diversity I wanted.

Sometimes I wonder how my dad is doing. He has a substance abuse problem and I haven't seen him since elementary school. Typical black family right? My baby brother James is finishing up high school while my four older sisters Ranisha, Latoya, Karmen, and EsDena have families and children of their own and has relocated back to the east coast.

The strange thing is life feels so different from the past and present. I'll always love and miss Leo, but I can't spend my life crying over him. Yes, I'm going to give myself time to mourn, but this won't be a permanent state of mind. Still I'm not sure if I'll ever love again ya know?

I think about the children we could've had. With brown skin and dark eyes like their father, the wedding we could've had right near the sea, the love we'd make almost every night knowing it would never grow old. That's what I wanted and still want in my life. I look at my phone and it's past midnight. I'll email my sisters in the morning letting them know everything that's happened.

Falling asleep, I wake up with a start. I rush to the bathroom and vomit profusely. Sitting there feeling nauseous I thought it was my nerves until I remember I'm over a week late for my period! I get a pregnancy test out my medicine cabinet (you can never be too prepared) and pee on it. While I wait for the results I brush my teeth to get remove the horrid taste from my mouth.

It feels like an eternity waiting for the results. What if I am pregnant? I have a house and a steady well paying job. Not to mention I'm positive Alex and Dani would love to help out. I've allied briefly to Leo's family over the phone. But they're currently traveling in Spain to help out at orphanages. Such wonderful people. If I am, I can do this. I'm not completely on my own.

When I see the ten minutes are up, I'm hesitant to check the test. It's one of those digital ones and it's supposedly extremely accurate. I'm going to get a blood test just to be sure. I look at the test and it reads positive/pregnant. I'm going to have Leo's child. Pressing a hand to my soft stomach I smile. At least now I won't be alone at night...

*Hey guys! Not the longest chapter I know but I was itching to get another update out for you guys! I'm trying to write as often as possible! What'd you guys think? Do you think Audra can take care of a baby? How do you think Leo's family will react? Oh the suspense!

Let me know what you think!

Also check out my other story WALKING ON THIN ICE


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