Chapter 20

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You had looked up to see Lena trying to grab from up top, crying. And you instantly regretted it. You wanted to spend the rest of your life with Lena, and she did too, but it was too late now. You felt the ground on your hand first and expected death. But you had landed on a net. You kept going, bouncing up and down until finally stopping. You looked to your left and right and saw all the other agents! Including McCree!? They must've grabbed it and run. You get off and are just stunned. "Y'know I hate you n all, but I can't letcha die" McCree said and walked away. Lena is already down and has jumped into your arms, hugging you, killing you. "T-Too tight Lena!" You scream and she lightens up a tiny bit. "Lena... im sorry, and i deeply regret it now..." You say. "Luv, luv, luv, luv! Why!" She looked up at you. "Why would you do this!?" She shouts. "I regret it Lena, never again." You say.


You were in the medical bay and Lena was by your side, with Lucio and Genji. " a moment please, Lena." Mercy says and Lena walks out. "Well Y/N we think that you should take a break from-" "Wait what!? No! I want to say!" You shout but she just denies it. "You need time off Y/N. This isn't a sack it's just suspension." She says grimly. "Any problems, please speak with Winston." She says. "Also, you should be leaving in 50 mins." She says. "You are free to go." She says and you run out. You meet up with Lena and the others and then you just cry into her arms. "I-Ive been suspended." You mutter. "I'm leaving in 45 mins. I should go pack." You say. "NO!" She shouts and Genji comforts you. "Lucio will go and tell the others." Genji says. Lucio nods and walks away. "Luv, before you leave it need to tell you something." She says and you go to your room to pack.

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