2 ; buzz lightyear and bells

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it's a few days later when eddie suggests a movie night.

"i know we were going to watch one on monday, but then ben called and we never got around to it," he says, pouring himself a bowl of cereal.

richie's nose scrunches in confusion. "but it's ten a.m. on a friday, eddie."

eddie chuckles. "yeah, but we both have off from uni, so why not make the most of it, right?"

taking a sip of his coffee, richie contemplates this. he's been a bit stressed for the past few days. he hasn't slept well, spending his nights thinking about essays, exams, and a certain pair of coffee colored eyes. maybe he could use some relaxation.

"sure, why not?" richie shrugs.

eddie is crouched in front of the movie player when richie enters the lounge, carrying a bowl of popcorn for them to share and balancing two cups of hot chocolate in one hand. he puts them down on the coffee table and takes a grateful breath that he doesn't drop them.

"so," richie begins, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth, "what movie did you pick?"

eddie stands up then and makes his way to the couch, first shutting off the lights in the lounge. he has a smirk gracing his lips.

"you'll have to wait and see."

"do I get a hint?"

eddie rolls his eyes. "no...but i can tell you it is one of our favorites."

richie ignores the fact that eddie completely goes against what he says, because eddie scoots up against richie's side, as he wraps the blanket they're sharing tighter around himself.

richie shouldn't be surprised. every time they watch something together, it usually ends with the two sharing a blanket on the couch, eddie's head on richie's shoulder and richie's resting on top of his, his glasses crooked against his nose. even though they are only best friends and nothing more, it comforts both of them to cuddle like this. girl best friends did it, so why couldn't guys?

this time, he thinks something is different. maybe it's that he's much more aware of the severity of his feelings for eddie. maybe it's because eddie is just nestled so perfectly in richie's shoulder, and his body is so warm against richie's cold one.

richie knows what movie it is as soon the production agency's small animation crosses the scene.

"which toy story movie is this?" richie asks, as the white lamp hops across the screen.

eddie pouts. "how do you know it's toy story? it could be any pixar film."

"because you love these movies. although they do always make you cry."

"you cry too!" richie laughs and pulls eddie closer to him.

eddie stiffens slightly all of a sudden.

"is something wrong?" richie asks, concern flooding his voice. he loosens his grip on eddie's shoulders a little bit to give him some space.

"uh, no. everything is fine." eddie sits up and reaches for his hot chocolate on the coffee table. richie doesn't miss eddie glancing back at him before settling in next to him. he's not lying in richie's arms anymore.

"sorry if i freaked you out or did something wrong," richie says, although he's not quite sure what could have set eddie off.

"it's nothing, richie. really." eddie gives him a smile that doesn't reach his eyes. even as he watches the screen, he looks like he's off in a whole other world.

richie begins to think about daydreaming and losing focus. his cause for that is sitting next to him, as he half watches a movie that both of them know practically every word to.

richie wants to tell eddie still. ever since he almost did last weekend, richie's mind has been occupied but not much other than the growing urge to come clean and confess to eddie that he is probably really in love with him. he hopes that isn't too forward.


"hm?" eddie looks over at him.

richie grabs the remote and pauses the movie.

"richie, what are–"

"do you remember the other day when I was going to tell you something but then you got that phone call so I never got to?" eddie nods, confused. "well i want to tell you."

"um, okay. shoot." eddie is smiling now, a lot more genuine than before. richie gets a few butterflies in his stomach because wow, he really is so amazing.


ding dong.

eddie and richie both jump at the sound of their doorbell going off.

"i'll get it," eddie says, standing up and making his way to the door.

eddie comes back a moment later, after richie hears a muffled, "thank you," with a small cardboard box in his hand.

"it was the mailman, you have received a package." eddie hands it to richie as he collapses back on the couch beside him.

richie is starting to think this is whoever is watching over them's way of saying eddie doesn't love him back.

so, when eddie says, "anyway, sorry about that, what were you saying?" richie just says, "never mind. it's nothing important."


i hope you guys have a good day !!

- m

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