Chapter 1

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trigger warning this content Constance abuse and blood and depression if you don't like this stuff i suggest not reading this book 

This is a story about a young high school girl who ended up playing a horrible game all because she was miss placed and abused at home never feeling welcome anywhere.  which ended up taking her life away; from  this is a story about Jenny brown...

It was a normal  morning for Jenny like most morning's she was  woken up by her drunk  mother bursting through her  wooden door  throwing a glass  at Jenny the glass was   full of alcohol  making her smell of the very potent substance. When Jenny finally got up she  slowly trudged  over to her   bathroom to have a cold shower before she had to walk to school she always walked pass the large  mirror ignoring it.  Jenny  hate what she look like she  was  a tall thin brunette girl who was  slowly breaking on the inside  sometime  wishing  thing were like they use to be but  she never dwells in the pass she just keep pushing forward.

After a freezing cold shower she got dressed in her school uniform that was black trousers a wight blouse a tie and black shoes she ran   and grabbing her bag exiting her abusive home   not taking lunch and ignoring breakfast as she through she was to fat and well over weight  as   that what all the girl at school say to her so they must be right as ALL the girls call her it. As she walk down the  stone path two of the popular  girls named Shanna and Olivia walked up to her laughing and chatting  before pushing her down on the ground and repetitively kicking her in the stomach and saying how worthless she was and that she should die all ready.After the two girls walk  away Jenny slowly got up wincing in pain and began walking to school to get to the nurses office and to see her only friend Max.

When she arrived at school she could see Max with a worried face on him as Jenny weakly smiling  at him. Max quickly ran up to her to help her get to the nurses office  to make sure she would be all right Max was an amazing friend to Jenny he was her only real family as he always   made sure she ate properly  and  clean all her cut her mother did to her and bandaging the cuts littering her all  why not knowing were her dad was  to help with her very abusive mother   as when Max ask about him Jenny would always cry.  so he never mentioned it  as he hated seeing Jenny so sad. When the two friends final arrived at the nurses office the  nurse rushed out and help Jenny to the small bed in the office and lifted her shirt up after making Max   wait out side the nurse inspected the giant purple and blue bruise all ready showing on her stomach so she quickly got Jenny a ice pack to stop the bruising and swelling and gave her some pain killers After about ten mints the nurse said that Jenny and Max should head off to there classes and that jenny should take it easy (but Jenny new she would never be able to take it easy as she the human punching bag.)   

As Jenny and Max headed off to there class after all ready missing  there first lesson. They made there way to there   science class so they could do there test  they had been studying for for the past week ,as they enters the loud and chatty class room it all went quiet to small whispers and points. Jenny and Max  head hung low as they headed to the front of the class to take there seat behind some boys named Jason and Mitchell  the teacher walked up to the two of them handing them the test with a straight face and dull eyes. Half way through the test Jason and Mitchell  began messing around by throwing there bags  at the two and taking there pens and stuff and all of a sudden Max punched Jason dead in the jaw knocking   one of his teeth out and what a big mistake that was Jason got up grabbing Max by the collar of his shirt and through the boy onto the floor hearing something snap Jenny quickly got up only to get slapped in the face by Mitchell  coursing her to smash to the floor Jenny look up to see Max laying unconscious, whilst   a fuming Jason towed  over him Jenny quickly scurried along the floor to stop the punch but instead of stopping it taking multiple blows to the face only for the science teacher to come and take the two boys away leaving the two now humiliated students on the floor bleeding.

After the incident in science the teacher told the two to head home and stay out of school for a while and to go to the hospital to make sure they had no broke bones and just for a check up but sending Jenny home was a bad choice the school was oblivious that Jenny gets abused at home all they know is that she get bullied,  so Max told Jenny with a firm tone saying that Jenny will come and stay with him so he know what happening and so he can make sure she eating propyl and eating the right amount of food and having enough sleep.

         TO BE CONTINUED....

thank you for reading the first chapter of this book i hope that you enjoy this book i will try and update this book as much as possible as i still have my Art book witch if you have  not seen pleas leave me a comment on my art book suggesting a drawing i should do as i would love to try drawing them or send me some of your art work. Also sorry for any miss spelt words or wrong grammar  also having 1002 words YAS

thank you for reading this chapter Bethan out   <3

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