chapter 2

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As max and Jenny exited the head masters offers they made there way to the car park so Max could drive to his two flat apartment witch was only 15 mint away. When they got to Max's car it was covered in spray paint saying how he should ditch Jenny and come hang out with the better people the once worth living. Max was fuming when he saw what horrible thing they were saying about his best friend he took a glance over his solder to see Jenny smiling at him like nothing was there Max opens the car door for Jenny then waked around the front of the car to get to the drives seat still in pain from the earlier beating he got but he look in way better shape then Jenny she had a big gash along her cheek and a black eye with a cut lip and a cut chin.

After the 15 mint drive to Max apartment he got out the car holding his keys and heading to the glass door as Jenny and Max entered through the door they quickened there speed like they were in a rush to go some were, they got to Max door and opens it with a loud but low creak they walk through. Jenny heading over to the black leather sofa why Max went off to find the first aid kit from the bathroom cabinet once he found it he walk into the living room the the kit in hand to clean and banged the cuts covering Jenny face.

Soon after finishing cleaning the cut they order some pizza but why they were waiting Jenny decided to leave Max in the living room why she would have a look around Max room as she only ever been in there once or twice as she would normally stay in the living room, when she was looking around she could her a weird banging noise coming from his wardrobe so she went to investigate when she oped the wooden doors she rummaged through some clothing when she came across a wooden board and a triangle piece with glass in the middle she gathered the new found items rushing out to tell her friend.But when she held the objects out to him, his face went into pure terror as it was the OUIJA BOARD his grandfather gave him saying to never let anyone play it as a evil spirit had cursed the board to make people play the game and slowly suffer Max snatched the board out of Jenny grasp in witch Jenny was not happy with and began complaining about why she can't play the game.She kept on asking and asking to play the game in witch Maxes reply was no ever single time.

Out of nowhere there was a loud knock at the front door meaning the pizza had finally arrived and making Jenny smile as she only ever ate pizza when she came to Maxes as her mother never gave her dinner or when she did it was some left over and that was about it really making Jenny very VERY thin. Witch worried Max greatly as she was such a nice girl but the nice once always had a horrible pass of suffering ,Sometime Max wished he could see how Jenny was when she was smaller and if she ware a magnificent smile that he loved so much but never really got to see the real one as she always showed the fake broken one begging to be saved from the hell hole she called life.

Once night fell the got into there pyjamas witch Max had to give some of his to Jenny as she never went home to get some clothing Max pulled out the softer bed and got a big fluffy blanket and two pillows to make sure she was comfortable Max look at his phone to see what time it was to see it was all ready 11:30pm he had finished making the bad and went off to his room to brush his teeth and wash his face when he came out of the bathroom to say good night he found Jenny all ready fast asleep in bed she looked so peaceful and relaxed Max just smiled and head off to his bed to get a good night of sleep.

2:00am the clock said as he could her very loud breathing Max slowly got up and went to see the living room only to see Jenny thrashing around in the bad as she was having her night terrors Max quickly got to her and hugged her saying sweet nothing in to her ear making her snap out of her panic faze she slowly opens her eyes to see Max face turn from worried into relax Jenny slowly sat up in bed still very sleepy only to have Max pushed her lightly back down hearing him whispers go back to sleep it will be OK I will see you in the morning get some sleep as tomorrow we are going to go shopping and get you some new clothes and go food shopping as we cant live off of pizza. Jenny smiled weakly and slowly closed her eyes falling back in to a much more peaceful sleep then before leaving Max much more calmer Max slowly went back to his bedroom to fall asleep in a much nicer sleep then before.


Thank you for reading the next chapter of this book i hope you liked it sorry for any miss spelled thing or incorrect grammar but i do hope you are enjoying this book also giving a shout out to Indifferentplant she is also writhing her own book and i thing you will all enjoy it


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