Jacob is still in the gym. He bangs on the walls .... a lot. It's really annoying. But we found the keys to the attic and it's really nice up there. Especially now that we lugged couches and shit up there. Ive been spending a lot of time with Gabe. And I really hope he wins this big game I started. Even when the game is over we are still stuck in this high school. Omg.
"Guys the high school is connected to the middle school which is connected to the elementary school which is connected to the only open E exit"!
They looked at me like I had 10 heads.
"Just follow me you dumasses "!
They followed as I went down the twisty and turny halls. We arrived at the elementary school and I had to question which way to go. I took a left at the art room and saw the E exit I ran to the door and it opened.
"We're free"!
I shouted"But I don't wanna be free"!
"Why not aiden"?
"Because then we get back to reality we have to go to school and learn and than work".
"Let's go get the E exit keys and I have my car keys".
"Alighya we need food"!
Shouted deven"Don't you think I know that Dumbass! That's why we're going to the store."