Chapter Two ~ Art

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Ava barged into the head teacher's office to find him sat behind his desk and once he saw her, he rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "what did you do this time, Ava?"

She rested her hand on her bag and shrugged her shoulders softly. "Chemistry teacher. Girls can be such bitches with hormones."

He let out a laugh and reached into the laptop trolley, taking one out and handing it to her. "Just play some games or something until next period."

This is the reason why she loved this school, why she decided to stay and receive all the bitchiness from teachers.


Ava walked down the corridor to her next period, linking arms as usual with Bekah. Matt was at his locker, taking out his folder for Art. The coincidence is that they all have the same lesson next. He turned around at the sound of laughter to find Ava and Bekah impersonating the previous lesson, with the teacher yelling at her and smirked, walking by Ava's side.

"Hey. Not in too much trouble, I see?" he laughed and glanced at her.

"Mmmnope!" Ava replied cheerfully. "I could've easily just dragged you along with me and made you get the blame for it all, you know," she laughed.

Before Matt could reply to Ava, Bekah suddenly unlinked her arm from Ava and stood in between them both, attempting to get close to Matt. He looked a little uncomfortable but kept his mouth shut for Ava's sake, as the last thing that he'd want is to cause an argument between her best friend. He saw how close they were.

"So, what d'ya have next?" Bekah asked him, giggling nervously. Ava looked at her oddly as she's never seen this side to Bekah before - Bekah usually takes control in situations with guys, but now she was acting innocent and fiddling with her hair. She cringed, feeling sympathy for Bekah as it was simply obvious that she was trying too hard.

"Art, actually. Is it okay if I sit with you again, Ava?" he glanced in her direction again and Bekah glared at her and gave her the "help me" eyes.

"Um, actually, if it's okay with you, I wanna work alone on the table. You should totally sit with Bekah though. Have you seen her art work? It's amazing," she smiled towards Bekah as they continued walking through the corridor, almost reaching the classroom for next period.

Bekah blushed and giggled again. "I can show you if you want."

Matt shrugged. "Sure. I'm looking at yours too, Ava. I don't care what you say." He laughed and she rolled her eyes, walking into the classroom.

Ava found a table against the wall in the corner of the room so she could sit alone, and Bekah sat against a table close to Ava but with two seats, gesturing Matt to sit next to her. Matt glanced at Ava, feeling disappointed as the only thing he wanted was to sit with Ava, but she just didn't seem interested. He nodded and sat next to Bekah, faking a smile as she was in a world of her own, making up pointless conversation as just an excuse to talk to him. He nodded and said "yeeaaaaah," at all the right times and took out his sketchbook, drawing Ava.

"Who's that? Lemme look!" Bekah screeched, hoping it was her, then her face dropped as the realistic artwork looked exactly like Ava.


Five minutes before the end of the final lesson, Matt turned around and smiled at Ava, who raised an eyebrow at him in reply. "What?" she muttered.

"Wanna go to the movies tonight?" he asked, feeling his tummy turn over.

"I'm going with Dan, sorry. You should totally ask Bekah though, she loves movies," she shrugged apologetically and gestured towards Bekah, who was sat next to Matt.

Bekah shrieked and wrapped her arms around him. She was really starting to irritate him and she was almost making his ears bleed with all of the screeching and yelling she was doing.

"Avie, we should all go together," she suggested.

"Sure," Ava replied.

Bekah was even starting to get on Ava's nerves. She never acted like this around any guy, and she never screeched or shrieked unless it was over a band. She never even took interest of cared about Ava anymore, she was becoming selfish. Ava has been in a mood lately, crying herself to sleep, and when she finally sums up the courage to mention something to get support, Bekah just ignores her and goes onto a different subject or tells her to "suck it up." This wasn't the Bekah that she knew. She hadn't even took notice that Ava was going to the movies with Dan, or that she'd started spending more time with him. All it was in her head now was "Matt, Matt, Matt," which is the whole reason why Ava avoided him.

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