Chapter Five ~ Never, No Never, Will I Feel Unhappy And Low.

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Matt arrived at the movies and opened the door, climbing out first. He didn't care that he'd left them to get out themselves, he was too worried for Ava's safety. She could be anywhere right now. He looked around nervously for her, his head snapping in almost every direction, until he saw Ava angrily walking towards the movies on the side of the pavement.

He ran to her at the same moment that Dan did, but he got to her before him, leaving Dan standing still in his tracks, and Bekah looking at them both, an annoyed expression on her face. What the fuck? She was just being a drama queen.

Ava forced a smile as Matt asked her if she was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine, just wanted to walk," she lied, but Matt genuinely cared for her, and wasn't going to take that as an answer. He linked his arm with hers as he saw she did that with Bekah a lot. He whispered in her ear, "It'll just be us in the movies, I need to talk to you. I'm always here for you, as I understand that Bekah is treating you like shit." He kissed her cheek supportively and she nodded, walking with him.

Bekah took this as Matt flirting and ran up to Ava, slapping her hard against the cheek. Ava gasped and pressed her hand to her cheek. "What was that for?!" Tears sprang to her eyes and she blinked them back.

"He is MY man, not yours!" Bekah yelled at her, shaking her by the shoulders.

Matt stepped in just as Ava opened her mouth to speak. "Just a correction, I am nobodies, but I've seen the way you've been treating Ava and it's not fair, she's just trying to be here for you. Bekah. Friends don't do this to each other, and what you said to me in the car...I'm glad she's decided to go her separate way. You're being mean for no reason. I'm going to look after Ava and only Ava tonight, you can make your own way home." He frowned. "Come on, Avie."

They both walked into the movies, leaving Dan and Bekah standing there.

Ava whispered something in Matt's ear and they both stood still, Ava gesturing for Dan to come closer, then they all walked in together, leaving Bekah standing alone outside, incredulously.


In the cinema, Bekah sat on the lowest steps, sobbing into her own arms. Matt sat beside her, rubbing her back softly. "Shhh, it's okay, I'm here."

Se shook her head. "I'm grateful you stuck up for me, Matt, but she was my best friend. Why is she treating me like this? She has a crush on you, and I've tried my best to get you and her together, and she actually thinks I'd stoop as low as to take you from her, no way." She shook her head as he wiped her tears with his thumb.

"Me and Bekah would never get together in a million years, beside, I like someone," he gently smiled at her and she nodded in reply, wiping her nose with the tissue that he offered her.

She realized Dan standing nervously in front of her, and gently grabbed his hand as he sat beside her. "Can I get a group hug?" She sniffed and asked sadly.

They both smiled at her and hugged her. "Let's go watch a movie," Matt gently said.

She nodded and followed him into the movie theatre.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2014 ⏰

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