Chapter 1//

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     Sometimes at night I lay in bed tossing, turning, and trying to fall asleep. Instead of actually doing what I am supposed to do I end up contemplating about life and about what the Universe has planned for me. Then half way through those amazing and interesting thoughts my brain starts to fill with images of him. I always think about him but I know he never thinks about me. You are probably thinking " Maybe he does think about you! Maybe he feels the same way you feel about him!" Trust me he doesn't and I know that for a fact.... well I am some what positive that he doesn't like me back. But before I continue on with all this talking I need to introduce myself. 

     Hello! My name is blueeyed00 and this is my story. 


      August 29th,2017 was my first day of high school. Yes this story is from a freshman's perspective. Now don't you dare decide to stop reading this book right now. You already started so what's the point of stopping and also you may actually enjoy yourself.  Also as a freshman I am actually a pretty fantastic writier as I do say so myself. 

Anyways high school was a giant step for me and being the naive teenager I am I imagined it to be like high school musical. Yes I know, I know that's the stupidest thing anyone has ever heard. No one actually starts to stand on tables during lunch in the cafeteria and start singing at the top of their lungs. And no one actually just stops in the middle of a basketball game to have a full on singing/ dancing performance.  But I thought high school would be that fantastic. But in the end the first day of school fucking sucked. 

I didn't make any friends and I was way too nervous to talk to anyone. And since I am short (I am 4'11 and a quarter) everyone pretended like I didn't even exist. People almost pushed me down three flights of stairs, someone almost dropped their pasta on my head and also the teachers always put me behind someone who is way taller than me so of course they never saw my hand when I raised it. Which means that I never got any participation points so my grades sucked.  Honestly I wanted to transfer the first day. 

But then one day I met him and he changed everything.

I am not actually going to use his real name so let's change it to Austin. I've always liked that name.

So any who......... one day I was hanging out with an old classmate of mine who in the past was not one of my most favorite people. She had made a group of friends since she was in a special group in the school. This group helped with people who had A.D.H.D , A.D.D, etc. She met Lily, Maggie, and him. She also met other people but I am way too lazy to put them in.

But this is the part when my world flipped upside down.

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