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Adam and Ruby

Redbull AU

I wipe the sweat and grease onto my overalls and inspect the engine of the car. Yep, just a seized engine. I'll have Al put the oil in later. A soft putt putt sounds through the garage, bringing my attention to the front. Blake is seen attempting to start a car before sighing. "Yeah! I told you it wasn't that Larry!"

Yang smirks and fist bumps Blake, laughing about some bet.

A loud 'Yang' echoes into the garage.

Yang freezes and Blake snickers. The other mechanics including myself gather around the entrance of the garage to find a women that's kind of short, glaring up at Yang.

Her eyes are pools of silver. And her hair is black and fades into red. This woman stomps her foot, her red hoodie, falling from her head. My breath hitches in my throat.

"Yang! You ate my cookies!" The girl screeches.

Yang begins to sweat and stutter, trying to deny the fact.

I lean over to Blake,"Who is that?"

Blake smirks. "Ruby Rose. Yang's younger half sister. Lover of everything chocolate, sugary, and cookie."

Ruby kicks Yang in the shin and Yang goes down. She groans in pain as she clutches her leg. "Try and eat my cookies next time Yang. I dare you."

The mechanics around me laugh in amusement at the girls childish attitude.

The girls eyes land on Blake and she grins. "Blake!"

Blake dodges Ruby's hug.

Ruby faces plants into my chest and pulls away groaning. "Blake! That was mean!" Ruby turns to me and bows. "I'm sorry! But it's Blake's fault."

Blake gives Ruby a pointed look while I struggle to keep red from entering my face.

Yang, now finally recovered, looks at the clock. "How about we take a break, head to lunch and I'll make it up to you Ruby?"

Ruby grins and shakes her head. "Free food!"

Yang asks if anyone wants to join them. Blake ends up dragging me with her to join the other two for lunch. Yang drives us to Red Raven, the two sisters being the rowdiest in the car.

Upon arrival to the diner, we are lead to a table. As we wait to order, Blake and I watch the sisters bicker about which cookie is the better cookie. After finally placing our orders, Blake and Yang disappear, leaving Ruby and I alone.

After about five minutes, I decide to break the silence. "So uh... They're taking a while."

Ruby sighs. "No. They just removed the order and ditched us to be on a set up date."

I nod slowly. "Do they do that often?"

Ruby slams her head onto the table and groans.

I burst out into laughter at the childish women's actions. I'm guessing it happens to often.

Our food arrives and I strike up a conversation with Ruby. After our meal, I pay and walk Ruby out to the car where Yang and Blake are 'hiding' in. "I had fun."

Ruby nods,"I did too. I'd love a second date."

I laugh,"I'd enjoy that." I pull out a piece of paper and write my number on it before handing it to Ruby. "Message me later."

Ruby nods and pockets the number before entering the car. I wave the trio off before frowning. Wait. That was my ride!

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