Blake Winter

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Blake and Winter

I sip on the tea I just bought and wander the streets of Vale in boredom.

Yang dragged Ruby with her to go shopping and Weiss' sister is supposed to be visiting. Winter I think was her name. She's supposed to be in the military or something. I can't remember all the details.

"Blake!" The shout of a familiar loud blonde makes it's way into my ears. I turn and find Yang on her motorcycle. "Ruby ditched me so I was wondering if you wanted a ride back to Beacon."

I shrug and finish off my tea before climbing on back. "Does this thing have brakes?"

Yang turns and grins, sunglasses reflecting the sun. "Nope. Just Blake!" I groan at her terrible attempt at a joke and cling to her as she takes off.

I reach up and pull off my bow as to make sure I won't lose it in the high speeds. Wind pounds against us, ruffling our clothes. "What the hell Yang!" I shout as I cling tighter to blonde as she picks up speed.

Yang laughs like a maniac and seems to go even faster than before. "Enjoy it Blake!"

I roll my eyes and lean back slightly from the blonde psycho. Adrenaline pulses through me as wind slides past my ears.

Yang smirks and drives off the road into the Emerald forest, dodging trees as she goes until we reach Beacon's courtyard. Yang stops and I shakily get off the bike and collapse to the ground.

My heart pounds as I practically hug the ground.

"Yang! What did you do to Blake?!" The shrill voice of the heiress cries out.

I hold up a hand and point it to the blonde. "Sleep. With one eye open."

Yang laughs and lifts me off the ground. "Whatever Blakey. We both know you couldn't live without me."

My next reply is mumbled into her shirt. "I'm willing to bet on that."

Yang laughs while Weiss scoffs.

The sound of someone clearing their throat is heard. "Weiss. Why don't you introduce me to your friends?"

Yang sets me down on my feet and lets me stand on my own once I've regained my bearings. A woman in white hair in a bun stares down at Yang and I. A large bang swoops over to cover her right eye while her Atlasien uniform hugs her body snuggly.

"This is Yang Xio Long. Ruby's older sister. And her partner Blake Belladonna." Weiss introduces us in turn and the white haired woman nods.

"Nice to meet you both. I am Winter Schnee." Winter's eyes land on me. "A faunus. Interesting."

Yang tenses up next to me and clenches her fist while Weiss just tenses up.

"I only hope that you helped Weiss with the opinions her father wrongly gave her." Winter smiles kindly.

All three of us let out our baited breaths in relief.

Yang grins and holds out her hand that Winter quickly shakes. "It's nice to meet Weiss' older Schneester."

Both Weiss and I groan as Yang's shit eating grin covers her face.

Winter only rolls her eyes. "It is nice to meet you too."

"Ms. Xio Long! Is that a motorcycle parked on school property!" A teacher shouts, startling Yang.

Yang hops on her bike. "Gotta dash." And with that she takes off, the teacher screaming their head off at the disappearing blonde.

Winter chuckles and our attention is brought back to her. "Why don't you show me your dorm Weiss?" Winter looks to me. "Would you like to accompany us?"

Man her eyes are pretty... Wait what?!

I simply nod, not trusting my voice. I follow behind the Schnee sisters and but my bow back around my ears as we enter the school. We follow Weiss to the dorm and she opens the door, guiding us in.

I make a beeline for my bed and face plant into it, groaning in relief as the softness envelopes me in its cushiony embrace.

A soft chuckle of amusement makes it's way into my ears. Like crystals. So pretty...

A small woof is heard and my reaction is instantaneous. I leap up from my bed and swing up to Yang's, glaring at the monster that Weiss is coddling. I spot Winter sitting on Weiss' bed, looking mildly bemused.

Winter catches Blake's curious eye and decides to question her. "Blake. Do you have any hobbies?"

Blake shrugs. "Reading for the most part."

Winter looks around the room and nods. "I see. Ninja's of Love was a great book."

Blake's face goes red as Winter spots the book among her collection. Weiss' older sister has read that?

Winter glances towards her sister who has become a gushing mess around the dog. "Weiss. I would like to take Blake put for some tea. Ask her some questions."

Weiss stops cooing at the dog. "Why can't I come?"

Winter smirks. "I'd rather her not feel pressured to tell me that you are a complete and perfect student. I'd like to see her view on things."

Weiss nods. "Okay. Don't keep her out to late or Yang will freak."

Winter nods and stands up. "If you will accompany me Ms. Belladonna."

Blake weighs the pros and cons. She could be reading but having a kind of date with someone hot isn't to bad. Blake jumps from the bed to the desk and then out the door, making sure the furry little beast won't get her.

Winter follows behind the faunus girl with a sly smirk on her face.


Blake follows behind Winter into the Emerald Forest in confusion. But she keeps silent as they come across a small clearing.

Winter stops and pulls out her wallet and shuffles through it. "Hmm... I have five hundred Lien. Is that enough?"

Blake frowns, now confused. "For?"

Winter rolls her eyes. "For you to have sex with me."

Fury flashes through Blake and she slaps the older woman. "Who do you think I am?!"

Winter rubs her cheek and laughs. This confuses Blake even more. "Sorry. I just don't wish to take gold diggers on dates."

Blake blinks once. "Date?!"

The older Schnee nods. "You wouldn't believe how many people only want me for my money. Now that I know you are genuine, I would like to take you on a date Ms. Belladonna."

Blake opens and closes her mouth like the fish she loves. Confusion filling her further. "E-Eh?"

The older Schnee smirks and grabs the cat faunus chin. "You are adorable." She lightly scratches the chin of the cat faunus and watches as the raven haired begins to purr as her eyes grow heavy. "Yes. You will do."


Winter sips her tea as her sister rambles on about her new girlfriend.

Winter's scroll begins to ring and the name 'Daddy' flashes across the screen.

Weiss smirks. "I didn't know you still called father that."

Winter picks up the scroll and with a straight face answers. "Hi Blake."

Weiss spits out her teeth and starts to cough as Blake laughs from the other end of the line. "Hi love. Date tonight?"

Winter hums as she pats her sister's back. "Of course."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." Winter replies and ends the call. A smile small on her face as she glances down at her younger sister.

Yes. Blake was the one. And she will be the one. All she needs is a ring.

Hmm... Maybe that's what Winter needs to do.

Put a ring on it..

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