Whats wrong with Nagisa

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February 12th Friday

It is lunch time

Nagisas POV

I should just confess to him right now. Get it over with.

I go over to Karma he is talking to Rio, Sugino, And Teresaka who is laughing his ass off and karma has deppression lines going down his face. I realize he did his dare to tell teresaka to be bffs. I walk over to them laughing.

"Hey guys." I say and look at Karmas face as his deppression lines are gone and there is a cute sparkle in his eyes and he looks at me and I look away with a small blush.

"Hey Nagisa what's up" The crimson head says to me.

"Yea umn Karma can we talk" I say and his face changes to a mix of happiness and depression

"Yea Nagisa." He says and we walk to the other side of the building

"What is it Nagisa." He says looking like he is about to be shut down

"Umn well..." I say looking down blushing

"Wait before you go on I need to do something." He says moving toward me

"O-ok." I say and then.

*that bell sound"

He kisses me and my face turns as red as his hair. Neither of us stop the kiss until karma pulls away.

"Ka-Karma.." I say

"K go on" He says

"I-i just wanted to ask if you wanted to play video games at my house tomorrow." I say super flustered

"I-I would love to." He says confused

"Ok great." I say running off with tears in my eyes, i didn't care who saw

I ran into the woods and climbed up into a tree crying. Why am I crying. He didn't reject me. I completely skipped on confessing.

Karma POV

He just ran off, what just happened.

I walk back to the gang and they look at me confused.

"Hey guys is there a problem?" I say and they get even more confused

"Yea we just saw Nagisa running off crying" Rio says

"What, oh shit ok." I run after him

*time skip to class*

Damn I couldn't find him, he walks into the classroom looking perfectly fine, doesn't look like he was crying, he looks at me and I blush a bit, not enough to show. He sits down...

*time skip to the end of class*

"Hey Karma do you want to walk to class together." Nagisa says kind of blushing, he is super cute when he is blushing, have I mentioned that...

"Yea I would really love to." I say and he sits back down for the next class.

*time skip*

"Karma." He is waving at me to come over to him.

I go over to him and we walk.
. In silence..
For what seems forever

"Karma I-" He starts saying but then he looks back down.
We finally arrived at his house.

"See you tomorrow Nagisa-kun" I say not even realizing the kun.

He blushes and looks like he is about to say something but he just walks inside
Umn... what

I walk home


Nagisa: Damn it I did it again

*karma has entered the chat*

Nagisa: h-hey Karma

Karma: what the heck man, what is it that you have been meaning to tell me all day

Nagisa: haha what are you talking about *scratches the back of my neck*

Karma: *pins you against a wall* tell me, you hate me don't you

Nagisa: *Blushes* I could never hate you


Nagisa: Karma?... I think it would be impossible for me to hate you

Karma: see, there you go, making my heart throb, don't play games Nagisa, u have been acting so weird toward me lately.

Nagisa: *blush* heh..

Karma: *kisses you*

Nagisa: *blushing as red as your hair* *pushes you away* STOP

Karma: I knew it, can i still come over tomorrow, we can just be friends, I mean that's what you want right.

Nagisa: yea you can come over

Karma: ok

*karma is crying*

*karma has left the chat*

Nagisa: *crys* why do you make my heart throb, I want to tell you how much I like you but, it's so scary

*nagisa has left the chat*

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